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Gottlieb beheld such a sunny twinkle across the Goshawk's face at this hospitable array, that he gave the word of onset without waiting for Berthold, and his guest immediately fell to, and did not relax in his exertions for a full half-hour by the Cathedral clock, eschewing the beer with a wry look made up of scorn and ruefulness, and drinking a well-brimmed health in Rhine wine all round.

"She doesn't know what one is," Standish laughed, but there sounded a ruefulness in his laughter that told of the kind of blow he must once have suffered to bring that note in his voice. Standish Burton took life lightly, except where Leila was concerned.

"Or than me either, I'm afraid," he added, with a ruefulness that was not ill-tempered. "We must fight him in fair fight, that's all." "He doesn't fight fair," she cried angrily. The next instant she broke into her most malicious smile. "Tristram of Blent!" she repeated. "Oh well " "Mina, dear, do you know you rather bore me? If you mean anything at all "

The logic of that argument reached the Union sergeant. He still eyed Drew straightly, but there was a ruefulness rather than hostile defiance in his voice as he asked: "What do you plan to do with us?" "Nothing." Drew was crisp. "Give us your parole, leave your arms, your horses, your rations if you are carrying any. Then you are free to go."

"I mean nothing against you," he urged, with great ruefulness. "I suggest nothing. I bring the Governor's message, that is all. And let me say," he added, "that I have not thought you a spy, nor ever shall think so." I was trembling with anger still, and I was glad that at the moment Gabord opened the door, and stood waiting. "You will not part with me in peace, then?" asked the Seigneur slowly.

"We must have the next," he said quickly. "What made you think you had forgotten?" "It is nearly four years, monsieur, since I danced with a man." "With a man? You have been dancing with girls, then?" She nodded. "At a school?" "At a a sort of school." The black domino laughed with ruefulness. "At a very dull sort of school." "To which, I hope, you are not to return?"

Morewood passed his hand through his hair; the ruffled locks intensified the ruefulness of his aspect; he had before his eyes the picture of May Quisanté's silence and her so careful, so deliberate little speech after it. He tossed off his wine almost angrily, as Dick Benyon rose, saying, "Let's have coffee in the garden. It's a splendid night."

She could not make any open advance toward Falconer while he, as man, could make all the open advances to Arlee he was willing to but in this case his hands were tied. A man cannot inflict himself upon a girl who may not feel herself free to reject him. He laughed, with sorry ruefulness.

He spoke with an odd ruefulness, and seemed to try to deepen the impression his tone conveyed by another look at Lucy eloquent of regret. "Try it," said Miss Herron. The boy threw over the balance wheel; there came forth a clank and some faint clicks from the engine's interior; then cold silence settled upon it again.

At this he did get up; that was easier than to say at least with responsive simplicity; and again for a little he looked hard and in silence at his letter; which at last, however, raising his eyes to her own for the act, while he masked their conscious ruefulness, to his utmost, in some air of assurance, he slipped into the inner pocket of his coat, letting it settle there securely.