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LA HIRE. Art thou terrified At thine own banner, maiden? Look at it! It is the same thou didst in conquest wave. Imaged upon it is the queen of heaven, Floating in glory o'er this earthly ball; For so the Holy Mother showed it thee. 'Tis she herself! so she appeared to me. See, how she looks at me and knits her brow, And anger flashes from her threatening eye! SOREL. Alas, she raveth!

Yea, this ego, with its contradiction and perplexity, speaketh most uprightly of its being this creating, willing, evaluing ego, which is the measure and value of things. And this most upright existence, the ego it speaketh of the body, and still implieth the body, even when it museth and raveth and fluttereth with broken wings.

Moreover, let the twain themselves be my witnesses before the face of the blessed gods and mortal men, yea and of him, that king untoward, against the day when there cometh need of me hereafter to save them all from shameful wreck. Of a truth he raveth with baleful mind, and hath not knowledge to look before and after, that so his Achaians might battle in safety beside their ships."

Vaisampayana said, "Intoxicated with pride, the son of Dhritarashtra spake, 'Fie on Kshatta! and casting his eyes upon the Pratikamin in attendance, commanded him, in the midst of all those reverend seniors, saying, 'Go Pratikamin, and bring thou Draupadi hither. Thou hast no fear from the sons of Pandu. It is Vidura alone that raveth in fear. Besides, he never wisheth our prosperity!"

Vaisampayana said, "Intoxicated with pride, the son of Dhritarashtra spake, 'Fie on Kshatta! and casting his eyes upon the Pratikamin in attendance, commanded him, in the midst of all those reverend seniors, saying, 'Go Pratikamin, and bring thou Draupadi hither. Thou hast no fear from the sons of Pandu. It is Vidura alone that raveth in fear. Besides, he never wisheth our prosperity!"