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A. Because the imagination is in the fore part of the head or brain, and therefore it lifteth up itself, that the creeks or cells of the imagination may be opened, and that the spirits which help the imagination, and are fit for that purpose, having their concourse thither, may help the imagination. Q. Why doth a man, when he museth or thinketh of things past, look towards the earth?

Yea, this ego, with its contradiction and perplexity, speaketh most uprightly of its being this creating, willing, evaluing ego, which is the measure and value of things. And this most upright existence, the ego it speaketh of the body, and still implieth the body, even when it museth and raveth and fluttereth with broken wings.

I would fain have come down to look after thee, nevvy, but these kings and queens are troublesome folk. The Emperor he is a pale, shame- faced, solemn lad. Maybe he museth, but he had scarce a word to say for himself. Our Hal tried clapping on the shoulder, calling him fair coz, and the like, in his hearty fashion.

I would fain have come down to look after thee, nevvy, but these kings and queens are troublesome folk. The Emperor he is a pale, shame-faced, solemn lad. Maybe he museth, but he had scarce a word to say for himself. Our Hal tried clapping on the shoulder, calling him fair coz, and the like, in his hearty fashion.

Hence, the Wise Man tells us that "The corruptible body is a load upon the soul, and the earthly habitation presseth down the mind that museth many things."+ If therefore, a glorified soul were reunited to such a body, undoubtedly her operations would not be made more perfect than they are in her separate state. But it is not to be so.

Yet dwelt there with me a remembrance of Thee; nor did I any way doubt that there was One to whom I might cleave, but that I was not yet such as to cleave to Thee: for that the body which is corrupted presseth down the soul, and the earthly tabernacle weigheth down the mind that museth upon many things.