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"No, I have paid once, and I won't pay again," yelled Bemani, thoroughly roused. Ramani Babu beckoned to a stalwart doorkeeper from the Upper Provinces, who was standing near. He was zealously obeyed and poor Bemani was thrashed until he lay writhing in agony on the ground. After taking his punishment he rose, and looking defiantly at Ramani Babu said:

He took the humiliation so much to heart, that he meditated retiring to that refuge for storm-tossed souls, Benares. But Ghaneshyám Babu strongly dissuaded him from abandoning the struggle, at least until he had turned the tables on his enemies. So Kumodini Babu moved the District Magistrate to issue process against Ramani Babu and the Sub-Inspector.

"You have treated me cruelly; but you will find that there is a God who watches all our actions. He will certainly deal out retribution to you!" He then turned to go. "I see you are not yet cured," exclaimed Ramani Babu. "Let him have another dose of Shámchand." "Yes, go on!" roared Bemani, "beat me as much as you please; you'll have reason to repent sooner or later!"

"What, you are his ryot and yet are acting against his interests? If he hears of your perfidy he will certainly turn you out of his estate!" "Why should he?" asked the fellow, now thoroughly frightened. "I am a very poor man, and Ramani Babu is my father and mother. He cannot object to my selling a few vegetables wherever I please." "But he does object," rejoined the bailiff sternly.

He met with a refusal, however, probably because the higher authorities thought fit to hush up a glaring scandal which might "get into the papers," and discredit the administration. Ramani Babu, therefore, was not molested, but his accomplice was departmentally censured, and transferred to an unhealthy district.

His evil star continued to prevail, for, soon after these untoward events, it brought him into collision with the police. In consequence of an understanding with Ramani Babu, the Sub-Inspector took to buying provisions from the few shopkeepers who still attended Kumodini Babu's market and referring them to him for payment.

He even sent for his wife and a young sister-in-law, who had been staying with her brother near Calcutta. Meantime Bemani had taken out a summons for causing grievous hurt against Ramani Babu and his servants. When the case came on for hearing before a Deputy Magistrate at Ghoria, all the accused pleaded "not guilty."

In due course the charge preferred by Sádhu against Ramani Babu was heard by a Deputy Magistrate. With Ghaneshyám Babu's aid, the complainant proved it up to the hilt, and all concerned were heavily fined. Soon afterwards Sádhu himself appeared before the Deputy Magistrate to answer a charge of murder.

"Who is this person?" inquired Ramani Babu. "Is that so?" roared Ramani Babu. "And the son of a pig owes me rent?" "Now, please, do not abuse me, Babuji," protested Sádhu, "only listen to my tale for one minute!" "Doorkeeper, let him have fifty cuts, laid on hard!" Swish, swish, swish, sounded the nimble cane, and made a grey pattern on Sádhu's naked flesh.

Then the charges preferred by Sádhu were taken up by the Deputy Magistrate. As they were of a far graver character, the barrister brought from Calcutta by Ramani Babu obtained a week's adjournment in order to procure rebutting evidence. At this time the Muharram festival was in full swing.