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"I will, indeed, Uncle Jethro, if we can find it," she answered. "Guess I can find it," said Jethro. "R-remember when you saw him makin' a ship?" "Yes," said Cynthia, "and I had my feet in the pool." The book had made a profound impression upon Jethro, partly because Cynthia had first read it to him, and partly for another reason.

"I will, indeed, Uncle Jethro, if we can find it," she answered. "Guess I can find it," said Jethro. "R-remember when you saw him makin' a ship?" "Yes," said Cynthia, "and I had my feet in the pool." The book had made a profound impression upon Jethro, partly because Cynthia had first read it to him, and partly for another reason.

"You got to r-remember, ma'am, that m-marriage ain't duck soup for n-neither the one nor the other of the h-high contractin' parties thereto. It's a g-game of give an' take, an' at that a h-heap more give than take." "Yes, sir," murmured June tremulously, looking down at the hole in her stocking.

"I will, indeed, Uncle Jethro, if we can find it," she answered. "Guess I can find it," said Jethro. "R-remember when you saw him makin' a ship?" "Yes," said Cynthia, "and I had my feet in the pool." The book had made a profound impression upon Jethro, partly because Cynthia had first read it to him, and partly for another reason.

Briggs smiled in superb self-consciousness. "Well, well! I will not deny, Mamzelle, that it spoils us," he said complacently. "It certainly spoils us! 'When lovely woman stoops to folly, the hold, hold story!" "You will r-r-r-emember," said Mamzelle, suddenly stepping up very close to him and speaking with a strong accent, "what I have said to-night! Monsieur Briggs, you will r-remember!

It comes to me, 'one hundred dollars or three months. It is the last thing I r-remember." "You were dangerously ill by the time you reached Oakwood, and for three days Dr. Morgan left you only to visit his other patients. Between the attacks of stupor you talked a great deal, usually in German, but occasionally in English. From what you said then, and what Dr.

"You had forgotten?" "Yes, I had forgotten." All the pride went out of him, as the fading of the sun's flush leaves the evening clouds without illumination and dull. "I had for-rgotten, but now I r-remember. It comes back to me. Yes, now I r-remember all all." He turned away his face both from her and from the field below, and rested his cheek on his hand. Mrs.

"I hope it will come to you as clearly as we see it who are the Doctor's friends, that he is incapable of such a thing." "Dear lady, even already I think I see it. I r-remember darkly my trial; how the officer told of his trick to entr-rap me into selling. Ah, dear Mrs.

I r-remember last year when first I came I heard the dogs on the mountain, but then I had no kind fr-riends to make me the invitation." "It's a little early, but we want to be sure to have one before Mr. Wendell goes." "You go soon?"

"I I knew in S-spain a P-pole from W-warsaw, c-called S-stadtnitzki, if I r-remember c-correctly. P-perhaps you s-saw him?" he asked timidly and almost blushingly. "It's very likely," answered Ibarra in a friendly manner, "but just at this moment I don't recall him." "B-but you c-couldn't have c-confused him with any one else," went on the Doctor, taking courage.