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These arrangements completed, Mr Quilp looked round him with chuckling satisfaction, and remarked that he called that comfort.

'Neighbour, said Quilp glancing sternly at him, and beating his hand twice or thrice upon the table to attract his wandering attention, 'let me be plain with you, and play a fairer game than when you held all the cards, and I saw but the backs and nothing more. You have no secret from me now. The old man looked up, trembling. 'You are surprised, said Quilp. 'Well, perhaps that's natural.

'Where do you come from? he said after a long pause, stroking his chin. 'I don't know. 'What's your name? 'Nothing. 'Nonsense! retorted Quilp. 'What does your mistress call you when she wants you? 'A little devil, said the child. She added in the same breath, as if fearful of any further questioning, 'But please will you leave a card or message?

But the boy declined the invitation until his master was apparently a little off his guard, when he darted in and seizing the weapon tried to wrest it from his grasp. Quilp, who was as strong as a lion, easily kept his hold until the boy was tugging at it with his utmost power, when he suddenly let it go and sent him reeling backwards, so that he fell violently upon his head.

'Come here, you sir, said the dwarf. 'Well, so your old master and young mistress have gone? 'Where? rejoined Kit, looking round. 'Do you mean to say you don't know where? answered Quilp sharply. 'Where have they gone, eh? 'I don't know, said Kit. 'Come, retorted Quilp, 'let's have no more of this!

'It's Kit! cried Nelly, clasping her hand, 'poor Kit who came with me! Oh, pray stop them, Mr Quilp! 'I'll stop 'em, cried Quilp, diving into the little counting-house and returning with a thick stick, 'I'll stop 'em. Now, my boys, fight away. I'll fight you both. I'll take bot of you, both together, both together!

When it had been twice or thrice repeated, he softly opened the little window, and thrusting his head out, demanded who was there. 'Only me, Quilp, replied a woman's voice. 'Only you! cried the dwarf, stretching his neck to obtain a better view of his visitor. 'And what brings you here, you jade? How dare you approach the ogre's castle, eh? 'I have come with some news, rejoined his spouse.

Quilp looked frowningly at him, and frowningly at his wife, and frowningly at Richard Swiveller; but, receiving no enlightenment from any of them, hurried up stairs, whence he soon hurried down again, confirming the report which had already been made.

'YOU have come fast, considering! retorted Quilp; 'you creep, you dog, you crawl, you measure distance like a worm. There are the chimes now, half-past twelve. He stopped to listen, and then turning upon the boy with a suddenness and ferocity that made him start, asked at what hour that London coach passed the corner of the road. The boy replied, at one.

'You look ill, Mrs Jiniwin; I know you have been exciting yourself too much talking perhaps, for it is your weakness. Go to bed. Do go to bed. 'I shall go when I please, Quilp, and not before. 'But please to do now. Do please to go now, said the dwarf.