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It would be the greatest feat of dialects the world ever saw; and you need not stand on your dignity better men than you have been in it, and there goes one of them. Here, Evans, come this way. We want you to go into the punishment-jacket." The man recoiled with a ludicrous face of disgust and dismay. Mr. Lacy smiled. "Now, your reverence, don't think of it.

'Fiat experimentum in corpore vili. Follow me, sir; and as we go pray cast your eyes over the prison rules, and see whether you can find 'a punishment-jacket. No, sir, you will not find even a Spanish collar, or a pillory, or a cross, far less a punishment-jacket which combines those several horrors." Mr. Hawes hung back and begged a word with the justices.

What do you mean by 'the punishment-jacket, an entry that appears so constantly here in your handwriting?" "I never denied the jacket." "Then what is the lie of which you have accused me? Show me that I may ask your pardon and His I serve for so great a sin as a lie." "It is a lie to say that the jacket tortures the prisoners and makes them faint away; it only confines them.

Five minutes more, the printing-press and loom were reinstalled, and the punishment-jacket packed up and sent to London to the Home Office. Ten minutes more, the cranks were examined by the artists in iron Mr. Eden had sent for, and all condemned, it being proved that the value of their resistance stated on their lying faces was scarce one-third of their actual resistance.

Refractory; said he could not turn the crank No. 9; he would not work on crank 9; punishment-jacket. punishment-jacket. Tomson. Communicating in chapel Tomson.Communicating dark cells. dark cell 12 hours. Tomson. Bread and water. Tomson. Crank not performed; Tomson. Refractory jacket. punishment-jacket. Tomson. Dark cells. Tomson. No chapel. Tomson. Dark cells. Tomson. Melancholy. Tomson.

"Yes, sir; on some of these marks are written the names of remarkable victims, recurring at intervals; on others are inscribed the heads of villainy 'the black-hole, 'starvation, 'thirst, 'privation of exercise, 'of bed, 'of gas, 'of chapel, 'of human converse, 'inhuman threats, and the infernal torture called the 'punishment-jacket. Somewhat on the plan of 'Watt's Bibliotheca Britannica. So that you can at will trace any one of Mr.

Lacy compared several pages of the two books. The following is merely a selected specimen of the entries that met his eye: MR. FRY. MR. HAWES. Joram.Writing on his can bread and Joram.Refractory bread and water. water. Joram.Bread and water. Joram.Bread and water. Joram.Refractory crank; bread and water. Joram.Crank not performed bread and water. Joram.Punishment-jacket.