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On the right side was the prosecution's and on the left side the defense's tables, while between it and the jury was placed the stenographer's table. The reporters' tables, six in number, were grouped in close proximity around the witness stand, and the whole arrangement left nothing to be desired.

That is why witchcraft is forbidden on Mars. "Let those who yet cling to the wistful liberalism of Earth label us conformists if they will. I say to you that until Mars is won for humanity, we cannot afford the luxury of nonconformity. "Gentlemen, I give you the prosecution's case." Maya stared out the window.

In desperate cases, desperate men will take desperate chances. The traditional instance where the lawyer, defending a client charged with causing the death of another by administering poisoned cake, met the evidence of the prosecution's experts with the remark: "This is my answer to their testimony!" and calmly ate the balance of the cake, is too familiar to warrant detailed repetition.

But here Hummel's wires became crossed with Jerome's, and unfortunately for the little lawyer, the persons from whom the tug had been leased turned out to be closely allied with the prosecution's interests, with the result that the captain of the tug was instructed by his superiors under no consideration to put into any Mexican port, but on the contrary, to delay his departure from the harbor of Galveston for a period of two days and then to proceed only as far as Brownsville, Texas, where he should compel the debarkation of the fugitive.

From time to time in whispered conference with these worthy gentlemen was a tall, lean, grey, furtive-eyed individual who was none other than the redoubtable Californian detective, Malcolm McLaren. At right angles to this array of prosecutors the counsel for the defense were seated, where they remained until the positions were reversed at the close of the prosecution's case.

Lincoln called his attention to the fact that nobody was hurt, and then with an inimitable air asked him if he didn't think it was "a mighty small crop for an acre of ground." The jury rejected the prosecution's claim. Many of the stories told of Lincoln at the bar are extremely ridiculous, and represent him in anything but a dignified light.

"Nancy swore to me that she was innocent; and yet the deeper we go into this affair the more evidence we find that she only could have murdered Lloyd." "But, Tom, we have only heard the prosecution's side of the case, so far. Your defence will surely throw some light favorable to Nancy's cause."

"What bribe!" "Why, sir, he put his hand, under his apron sure he has a black silk apron on him now, jist for all the world like a big man cook, dressed out in murnin' he put his hand undher his apron, and wid a hitch got it into his breeches pocket 'here's a fifty pound note for you, says he, 'if you'll prosecute that wild priest there's no end to his larnin, says he, 'and I want to punish him for it; so, Darby, here's a fifty pound note, an' it'll be yours when the prosecution's over; and I'll bear all the expenses besides."

The last of the prosecution's witnesses was the legal shorthand writer who had taken the official report of the trial of Birchill. In response to the request of Mr.

The defense reserved the right to make their opening statement at the close of the prosecution's case, thus leaving the state in the dark as to the line of defense, and forcing them to open their case at once.