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A book in handwritin', not printin'. Père Armand larned me to read it." Judson Holmes' companion moved forward. "A book in handwriting," he said slowly. "Could that possibly mean a diary?" Charity was wiping her hands on a paint rag. "It might. New Orleans was a port of refuge for a great many of the French who fled the island during the slave uprising. It is not impossible." "I've got to see it!

An' I thought somethin' ailed my glasses, an' so I got some new ones. An' I thought at first maybe it helped. But it didn't. Then it got so that't wa'n't only the printin' ter books an' papers that was blurred, but ev'rything a little ways off was in a fog, like, an' I couldn't see anything real clear an' distinct." "Oh, but things other things don't look a mite foggy to me," cried the boy.

I see they would make our language easier to learn by children and foreigners; it would lop off a lot of silent letters of no earthly use; it would make far less labor in writin', in printin', in cost of type, and would be better every way. Cicely said a good many was opposed to it on account of bein' attached to the old way.

Dooley continued, "he's a citizen iv England an' he has a castle that's as big as a hotel, on'y nobody goes there excipt thim that's ast, an' not all of those, an' he owns a newspaper an' th' editor iv it's the Prince iv Wales an' th' rayporthers is all jooks an' th' Archbishop iv Canterbury r-runs th' ilivator, an' slug wan in th' printin' office is th' Impror iv Germany in disgeese.

Machines of all sorts and kinds to manufacture all sorts of goods, and all hands to work at it silk, cotton, wool, linen, ingy-rubber, ropes, and paper. Saw-mills, wind-mills, printin'-presses a-pressin'. All sorts of tools to make all sorts of picters engravin's, color printin' picters from the 16th century up to 1893 they wuz relief engravin's.

And then this here stingin' lizard goes to work and digs up my deputy number over to Sterling and sets the papers to printin' as how it was me, with the help of a few parties whose names are of no special int'rest, settled that strike." "So you were at Sterling?" "Uh-uh. Between you and me, I was. And it wa'n't what you'd call a girl's school for boys, neither. But that's done.

Herbert at once withdrew a few steps, placing his hands behind him. "Listen here," he said; "you think we got time to read a lot o' nothin' in your ole hand-writin' that nobody can read anyhow, and then go and toil and moil to print it on our printin'-press? I guess we got work enough printin' what we write for our newspaper our own selves!

And look what you're makin' at it in money, to say nothin' of its shovin' you into Congress, and keepin' the newspapers busy printin' stuff about you. . . . Well, well," with a sigh of resignation, "I don't understand it yet, but know it's so, and if I'd had my pig-headed way 'twouldn't have been so.

"Good-night, gentlemen," said Wood to the others, and he added laughingly to the editors: "Don't you boys print anythin' until you know what you're printin'," and to Prescott: "I reckon you'd better say good-by to-morrow to your friends in Richmond.

Say, Bowse" the intimacy grew as the young man's talents loomed up in Muffles's mind "tell de gentleman what de boss said 'bout yer printin'." "Said I could print all right, only there warn't no more work." There was a modesty in Bowser's tone that gave me a better opinion of him. "Said ye could print all right, did he? Course he did and no guff in it, neither.