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Here, again, the results, inspected in the large mirror set in a narrow wooden frame above the mantelpiece, gained commendation; Mrs. Mills declared she would feel inclined to purchase a similar hat, only that Praed Street might say she was looking for a second husband. Besides, she never went out. "Your poor mother was just as handy with her needle as what you are.

Hood, Praed, Macaulay, Taylor, Darley, Beddoes, Hartley Coleridge, Horne, are not to Wordsworth or Coleridge, to Byron or to Shelley, what the later so-called Elizabethan playwrights are to Jonson and Fletcher, the later poets of the same time to Spenser and Donne.

More than one of Wrangham's prize-poems are excellent; Richard's 'Aboriginal Brutus' is a powerful and picturesque performance; Chinnery's 'Dying Gladiator' magnificent; and Milman's 'Apollo Belvedere' splendid, beautiful, and majestic. "North. Macaulay and Praed have written very good prize-poems. These two young gentlemen ought to make a figure in the world."

Mills beamed across from the tobacco counter, and asked whether he knew who was keeping "The Lamb"; Henry Douglass could not supply the information, but guaranteed to obtain particulars, and bring them to Praed Street. Mrs. Mills declared herself ashamed to give so much trouble. "Are you in business, sir, may I ask?" "I am, in a very small way, an architect." "Really?" said Gertie interestedly.

Arminius had collected his army on the other side of the river; and a scene occurred, which is powerfully told by Tacitus, and which is the subject of a beautiful poem by Praed.

Campbell Praed lived in Queensland, as a child, in the early days, and in her "Sketches of Australian life," we get informing pictures of the early struggles of the white and the black to reform each other. Speaking of pioneer days in the mighty wilderness of Queensland, Mrs.

Kate Vavasour in 1872 was an exceedingly pretty girl of nineteen or twenty; showily dressed, and quick with her tongue. She was good-natured and jolly, and though Praed himself was the essence of refinement there was something about her reckless mirth and joy in life the immense relief of having passed from the sordid life of a barmaid to this quasi-ladyhood that enlisted his sympathies.

Mavis felt heartsick, till, with something of an effort, she remembered that this, and all she had to endure in the comparatively near future, should be and were sacrifices upon the shrine of the loved one. She had walked some distance along Praed Street, and was now in the wilderness of pretentious, stucco-faced mansions, which lie between Paddington and the north side of Hyde Park.

Reluctance to accept the invitation conveyed through Clarence was supported at Praed Street by her aunt, who declared the girl would be like a fish out of water; that she would wish herself home again before she had been there the space of two minutes. But for Mrs. On the Friday night, Mrs.

Besides I I didn't like being dependent entirely on you at that time for support: and Praed was in Italy. I knew that Aunt Liz, like mother, was illegitimate and guessed she had once made her living in the higher walks of prostitution she was a stockbroker's mistress at one time . But she had married and settled down at Winchester ... She met her Canon the Alpine traveller ... in Switzerland.