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"We just saw the beggar in time, sir," cried Jones. "I happened to look across and caught sight of him just as he fired at Mr. Walters. Me and Morris fired together." Grayling had sprung to his feet. "Are you hit, Walters?" he shouted. "No," replied the boy as he clambered up the bank; "what the deuce is the matter?" "A nigger took a pot-shot at you! Get under cover as quick as you can.

"Of course, I know you've no more idea of going to Ireland than you have of taking a pot-shot at the moon: but there's something on your mind. I know the signs, Cleek. What is it?" The response to this was rather startling. "Mr. Narkom," said Cleek, answering one question with another, "what's the best thing to make powdered bismuth stick lard, cold cream, or cocoa butter?"

When our fathers quarreled they took a pot-shot at each other at ten paces; now disagreements involving even family honor are carried into the courts the bloody Code Duello has been relegated to "innocuous desuetude."

"Of course, I know you've no more idea of going to Liverpool than you have of taking a pot-shot at the moon; but there's something on your mind. I know the signs, Cleek. What is it?" The response to this was rather startling. "Mr. Narkom," said Cleek, answering one question with another, "what's the best thing to make powdered bismuth stick: lard, cold cream, or cocoa butter?"

Flattering himself that he was entirely concealed, he thought he had got a beautiful place for a pot-shot when the skirmishers had passed, and the convoy came abreast of him. And so indeed he had, and with the barrel of his Remington in the natural rest formed by a fork in the boughs of a tree, he had a first-rate chance of bagging something.

But the discovery, if any there were, was made to wait upon a word of friendly solicitude. "What's this they were telling me down at the lunch-counter just now about somebody taking a pot-shot at you last night?" he asked. "Dougherty said it was Bart Rufford; was it?" Lidgerwood confirmed the gossip with a nod. "Yes, it was Rufford, so Dawson says. I didn't recognize him, though; it was too dark."

There is one corner in San Antonio where you can see a Mission dating back to the early seventeen hundreds, and not a stone's throw away, one of the most famous gambling joints of the wildest days of the wild Southwest the site of the old Silver King, where cowboys and miners from the South used to come in "to clean out" their earnings of a year, sometimes to ride horses over faro tables, or pot-shot rows of champagne.

Mike, yer ol' varmint, if yer do any more swearin' while ther lady's yere I 'll knock ther words back down yer throat. Yer know me, so shut up. Th-thar'll be fightin' in p-plenty fer both o' yer presently, the way things look. Now, vamoose, the two o' yer, an' be quiet about it. Mike, y-yer better do something fer yer eyes if yer wanter see well 'nough ter take a pot-shot at Farnham's gang."

Our art criticism is no exception; it, like our literature and politics, is happy-go-lucky and delights in the pot-shot. We often hear this attributed admiringly to "the sporting instinct."

Sam Gregg, entering the door at this moment, came directly to the Forester's table. He was followed by the sheriff, a bearded old man with a soiled collar and a dim eye. Gregg growled out, "You'd better keep your man Cavanagh in the hills, Mr. Forester, or somebody will take a pot-shot at him." "Why, what's new?" "His assistant is down with smallpox." "Smallpox!" exclaimed Dalton.