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It may be the last that either of us will eat, you know." "Poof!" exclaimed Von Hamner, who was feeling not a little nettled at this quiet challenge to test his personal courage. "You are the last man on earth that I should have suspected of superstition, my dear Hendry. But, there, give your orders, and we will go to lunch, and then about four o'clock we may make our call in Candler's Court."

He jump little, maybe, but he de ver' nice pony, an' I no let him run. No, no, de odder vay, señorita, like de man ride. Poof! it no harm in de dark. Bueno, now ve go to surprise de Señor Farnham."

"Monsieur," said Boucard, "will you have the kindness to leave your name, so that M. Derville may know " "Chabert." "The Colonel who was killed at Eylau?" asked Hure, who, having so far said nothing, was jealous of adding a jest to all the others. "The same, monsieur," replied the good man, with antique simplicity. And he went away. "Whew!" "Done brown!" "Poof!" "Oh!" "Ah!" "Boum!"

But the moment he's gone Poof! back she goes to her old tricks. I tell you she's a freak!" and Alaric dismissed the matter, and sat back fanning himself. "Can I tell Mr. Hawkes that?" asked Mrs. Chichester. "No," replied Alaric. "But I WOULD say that the thousand a year is very hardly earned. Nat ought to have made it ten thousand.

Then, when he saw that she was becoming quieter, he turned to the prisoner. "You heard all that went on, I know," said the detective. "That's why I put you in the next room." "Yes, I heard," was the calm answer. "But what of it? You can prove nothing only that women are fools. I shall hire a good lawyer and poof! What would you have a man must live. Bigamy, it is not such a serious charge."

'You spoke to the mistress, did you? inquired Bradley, with that former composure of voice and feature that seemed inconsistent, and with averted eyes. 'Poof! Yes, said Riderhood, withdrawing his attention from the smoke. 'I spoke to her. I didn't say much to her. I tells her, "O no, nothink wrong. The master's my wery good friend." But I see how the land laid, and that she was comfortable off.

"I suppose she saw more in him than you do. They must be very happy together." "Happy? Poof! Happy as two dead sardines in a can. They can't get out so they might as well be happy. Besides, he's away a good deal." "He is, eh? When was his last out-of-town trip?" Carroll was interested now he had steered the conversation back to matters of importance: "Oh!

On reaching the river's brink, he plunged headlong in, without waiting so much as to pull off his shoes. "Poof! poof! poof!" snorted King Midas, as his head emerged out of the water. "Well; this is really a refreshing bath, and I think it must have quite washed away the Golden Touch. And now for filling my pitcher!"

On reaching the river's brink he plunged headlong in, without waiting so much as to pull off his shoes. "Poof! poof! poof!" snorted King Midas, as his head emerged out of the water. "Well, this is really a refreshing bath, and I think it must have washed away the Golden Touch. And now for filling my pitcher."

In one half hour," the bandit was convinced. "Really?" "In one half hour your trouble go poof!" He made a ring of smoke and watched it fade away. "And you shall be 'appy man. If I do zat, what zen?" "If you do that," said the other, "they'll have to tie me down to keep me from kissing you!" "Good!" laughed Lopez. "She is did." There was a moment's pause.