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"Unless it was the devil of these evil mountains. I lay sleeping, rolled up in my blanket, when, poof! something hit my side and something big and ugly tumble all over me and I see something black and awful jump in the darkness and I grab my pistol I always sleep with me in blanket and shoot bang! and the big black thing give one great jump and vanish, just like a black devil, in the darkness.

To a man of imagination like myself it's quite easy to fancy that there is one of your brown friend's pet devils crouching under the counter ready to spring." The pawnbroker grunted and opened the door. "Poof, fog," said Levi, as a cloud streamed in. "Bad night for pistol practice. I shan't be able to hit anything." The two men stood in the doorway for a minute, trying to peer through the fog.

"Poof!" said the little old lady, as she was brought into the room. "How unnecessarily warm it is here! Just because a storm rages outside, dear, why should it be necessary to heat this room so stuffily? The stove consumes the air. When I'm in bed you must open the window and give me something to breathe."

"I am working pretty hard for one thing, and " "Poof!" She snapped her fingers. "You used to get fat on work. It isn't that, Dick, and you needn't try to fool me. I know you from the soles of your feet to the end of the longest hair on your head." He avoided her fixed stare. "I'm not making money as I did once. Many of my investments have turned out badly.

Another said, "Hell!" in a whisper. The adjutant answered the colonel's questions in a formal way, but thinking hard and studying the colonel's face anxiously. "Do you mean to say we are going into the line again, sir? At once?" The colonel laughed. "Don't look so scared, all of you! It's only a field-day for training." The officers of the Gordons breathed more freely. Poof!

But in pressing forward, in the fog, they had been unable to keep in close liaison. Instead of being a well-knit whole, they were little more than a storming, victory-drunk mob. They stopped at nothing and nothing could stop them. As for displaying their white muslin panels to airplanes so that their positions might be known poof!

"You've no need to trouble, Oliver," she said. "I've kept a room for you at the 'Angel." "Thank you," I replied. "You are very kind, madam." "Poof! Come along! You're so tired that you can hardly keep your eyes open to look at me. Come along, sir!" She was merrily pulling at my arm as she spoke. "I don't want to be obliged to return you every service, you know, sir!" "No, madam! Certainly not."

I never in my life saw him, until I came unhappily to this country, about four weeks since. 'Aye, sir we eh know, and are aware that poof you do not like to hear some folk's names; and that eh you understand me there are things, and sounds, and matters, conversation about names, and suchlike, which put you off the hooks which I have no humour to witness. Nevertheless, Mr. Darsie or poof Mr.

"Never been out? What nonsense! Poof! Well, the blamed thing's out now." This wild Westerner doubtless typifies those who without heed and in their hot-headed and fanatical worship of change would destroy the very light of our civilization. But let me remind you that all fanaticism is not radical.

Darsie Latimer or poof, poof eh aye, Mr. Darsie without the Latimer you have acknowledged as much to-day as assures me you will best be disposed of under the honourable care of my friend here all your confessions besides that, poof eh I know him to be a most responsible person a hay aye most responsible and honourable person Can you deny this?