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If you ask me what I think of those I have seen, I must say, that 'sunt plura bona, quaedam mediocria, et quaedam Your report of future changes, I cannot think is wholly groundless; for it still runs strongly in my head, that the mine we talked of will be sprung, at or before the end of the session.

But there will be here and there a Latin scholar who will be pleased with the way in which the speaker turned a compliment to the candidate before him, with a reference to one of his poems and to some of his prose works. "Juvat nuper audivisse eum cujus carmen prope primum 'Folium ultimum' nominatum est, folia adhuc plura e scriniis suis esse prolaturum.

At Schemnitz he asked the superintendent, an comparcant Dæmunculi vel pygmæi in fodinis? respondit affirmative, et narrat plura exempla; and at Herrengrund, utrum appareant Dæmunculi seu pygmæi? respondit tales visos fuisse, et auditos pluries. Ak. in Wien, B. xliii., 1te Abth., S. 435.

Harry Purcell;" and over it were graven words that tell the broken story of so many a student life: "Multa ad augendam et illustrandam rem literariam conscripsit; plura moliebatur." The library no longer rests in those quiet rooms over the great cloister in which a succession of librarians, such as Gibson and Wilkins and Ducarel, preserved the tradition of Henry Wharton.

This is directly contrary to the sentiments of Horace: Verum ubi plura nitent in carmine, non ego paucis Offendor maculis, quas aut incuria fudit, Aut humana parum cavit natura For, as Martial says, Aliter non fit, Avite, liber. No book can be otherwise composed. All beauty of character, as well as of countenance, and indeed of everything human, is to be tried in this manner.

Sir ANDREW is grown the cock of the club since he left us, and if he does not return quickly will make every mother's son of us commonwealth's men. Dear SPEC, 'Thine eternally No. 132. Qui, aut tempus quid postulet non videt, aut plura loquitur, aut se ostentat, aut eorum quibuscum est rationem non habet, is ineptus esse dicitur.

Neot. Whereon, crawling on his hands and knees, he kissed the face of the holy martyr, and "perceived such a sweet odor proceeding from the holy body, as he never remembered to have smelt, either in the palace of the king, or in Syria with all its aromatic herbs." Quid plura? What more was needed for a convent of burnt-out monks? St. Waltheof was translated in state to the side of St.

If you ask me what I think of those I have seen, I must say, that 'sunt plura bona, quaedam mediocria, et quaedam Your report of future changes, I cannot think is wholly groundless; for it still runs strongly in my head, that the mine we talked of will be sprung, at or before the end of the session.

Sancte Bertrande, demoniorum effugator, intercede pro me miserrimo. Peccaui et passus sum, plura adhuc passurus. Dec. 29, 1701. i.e., The Dispute of Solomon with a demon of the night. Drawn by Alberic de Mauléon. Versicle. O Lord, make haste to help me. Psalm. Whoso dwelleth xci. Saint Bertrand, who puttest devils to flight, pray for me most unhappy.

Man must not, however, imagine that he has no other duties but those which gratify his senses; he would be greatly mistaken, and he might fall the victim of his own error. I think that my friend Horace made a mistake when he said to Florus: 'Nec metuam quid de me judicet heres, Quod non plura datis inveniet.