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He does you credit." The winter in Pittsburgh passed rapidly. For Jean it was a happy year despite much hard work at school, German lessons with Fräulein, and long hours of piano practising.

The resuscitation of the charter took place in March, 1845, when the route was changed from "the most direct in the direction of Pittsburgh," to "the most direct, practicable, and least expensive route to the Ohio river, at the most suitable point."

I tried to get him to come to me; but could you imagine a man as proud as he, David a man of his mind coming to me after what had happened! Why, he called my offer charity. Then he left the valley, too, and I wrote to him from Pittsburgh, where I had bought a little mill. I wanted them to come to me him and Penelope for I was lonely. I had nothing but the mill; why, only in the mill was I happy.

"Now here's the Gay Cat that's what we call a fellow who is the finder, who enters a town ahead of the gang. Then there's Chi Fat that means he's from Chicago and fat. And Pitts Slim he's from Pittsburgh and " "Aw, cut it," broke in one of the others. "Pitts Slim'll be here to-night. He'll give you the devil if he hears you talking to reporters about him."

All this shows the care of our Father, and encourages me to rejoice and to hope in Him." A few days after her departure Professor Stowe wrote to his wife: "I was greatly comforted by your brief letter from Pittsburgh. When I returned from the steamer the morning you left I found in the post- office a letter from Mrs. G. W. Bull of New York, inclosing $50 on account of the sickness in my family.

The list of questions is given in the synopsis appended to the admirable and helpful report contributed by the chief of the children's department in Pittsburgh. Miss Frances Jenkins Olcott, Pittsburgh After ten years of experience we find our most difficult question of discipline arises when the older boys and girls come into the library.

He proceeded to Pittsburgh, where he immediately interested himself in the mining of coal. He commenced by leasing from one party a portion of the coal and the right of way on a large tract of coal land, for a term of twenty-one years, and leased coal from others, at a quarter cent per bushel. Of another person he purchased a farm, bearing coal, at seventy-five dollars an acre.

From here he was to be sent to an almshouse, for at that time there was no other place for him in Pennsylvania. Helen heard of him through Mr. J. G. Brown of Pittsburgh, who wrote her that he had failed to secure a tutor for Tommy. She wanted him brought to Boston, and when she was told that money would be needed to get him a teacher, she answered, "We will raise it."

"So long as she let my friends alone I cared not what pigeon she plucked. And the very fact that she knew I was in Pittsburgh, was enough to make her shy of anyone I would likely care for." Dehra laughed lightly. "Maybe you were a little bit afraid of her, yourself," she said. "Maybe I was," I admitted; "for she has a fascination almost irresistible when she choose to exert it."

"Thank God you're alive, and twice that the ship works!" he exclaimed. "You've been gone four hours, eleven minutes, and forty-one seconds, but never mind about abstract theorizing. Get back here, to Pittsburgh, as fast as you can drive. That Nevian vessel or another like her is mopping up the city, and has destroyed half the Fleet already!" "We'll be back there in nine minutes!"