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"Pish!" answered another, "it is steeplejack Jan, who can hang on a wall like a fly." "Look out for the ends of the rope," cried the thin voice above, and down they came. "Spare me," screamed the wretched priest, as his executioners caught hold of him. "Yes, yes, as you spared the Heer Jansen a few months ago." "It was to save his soul," groaned Dominic.

"Well, I will save him," said Dicky, rising slowly to his feet. "Pish! Go to the Khedive with the tale, and I will kill the man within the hour, and tell it abroad, and we shall see where Donovan Pasha will stand to-morrow. The Khedive is not stronger than his people and there are the French, and others!" He spat upon the floor at Dicky's feet.

"Why, what's the matter now?" cried Mark. "I'm not going to have the blacks begin. Here, pass the word for Soup Pish! I mean for the big black." "Ay, ay, sir;" and Soup came up quickly, all excitement at the noise going on in the hold.

I'll ring and ask Captain Murray to let us have a draught board if you'll play." "Pish!" cried Andrew contemptuously; and Frank sighed and gave up again, to take refuge in staring out of the window for some time. Then his tongue refused to be quiet, and he cried to his silent companion: "There is something going on for certain. I've counted twelve officers go by since I've been standing here."

"Do you know that you are an amazement to me?" said the deputy. "From the robe to the buskin, and now from the buskin to the sword! What will be the end of you, I wonder?" "The gallows, probably." "Pish! Be serious. Why not the toga of the senator in senatorial France? It might be yours now if you had willed it so." "The surest way to the gallows of all," laughed Andre-Louis.

Pish, all this is nothing: there is a flat statute against it, let me see, in Anno vigessimo tricessimo, Henerio octavo be it enacted, what followes, Bunch? Sir Hu. Nay, good Sir, peace Madam, these are but wild evasions For times protraction; for your paritie, It cannot hold; since Nature does enforce Noe child to obey his parent in an act That is not good and iust. Lady.

"Pish!" snapped the creditor. "'T is purely temporary; within a twelve-month there'll be law enough. Think ye England is sleeping?" "We'll see, we'll see," retorted Hennion. "In the meantime, squire, I hope yer won't wont because I don't pay interest. Times is thet onsettled thet yer kain't sell craps naw nothin, an' ready money 's pretty hard ter come by." "Not I," rejoined the squire.

Ellen drew a quick, impatient breath. "You mean to say you'd set yourself up as knowin' mor'n your people before you did?" "I believe each generation grows wiser, or ought to wiser and kinder." "Kindness has nothin' to do with it." "Yes, it has," persisted Lucy softly. "Unless we become more kind, how is the world ever to become better?" "Pish!" ejaculated Ellen. "Now see here.

My own taste inclines toward flesh and blood. You say Master Cairnes told you this sad tale?" "Ay, adding that the pitiful Naladi only laughed at the sobs of Madame." "Pish! between the two, her word has most weight with me. No doubt 'twas a vision born of his own temper. The Queen assured me most graciously of the welfare and contentment of Eloise.

"You are right, Dick," agreed Stukely; "that is undoubtedly our best plan if Dame Fortune will but stand by us. But it will be plaguey risky for us to attempt to remain in here until the small hours of the morning. How can we possibly hope to avoid being seen by some prowling priest or lay brother within the next twelve hours? But pish! what is the use of anticipating trouble?