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Of course there's always one way out the sure way but that can wait. I wouldn't miss my trial for anything it'll be an interesting experiment in notoriety. 'Miss Farnam testifies that the pirate's attitude to her was at all times that of a gentleman." "Don't!" she said. "I'm awfully sorry."

Captain Jack made no reply, but only tried the harder to encircle Jack's neck with his right arm. Suddenly Jack freed his right arm, which had been pressed close to his body by the pirate's left, and brought his fist up under Captain Jack's chin. It was a powerful short-arm blow and the pirate chief staggered back. Jack gave him no time to li ft his guard, but bored in. "Crack! Crack!"

The panelling of carved and polished sandal-wood was blotched with foul smudges and chipped with bullet-marks fired in some drunken revelry. Rich velvets and laces were heaped upon the brocaded settees, while metal-work and pictures of great price filled every niche and corner, for anything which caught the pirate's fancy in the sack of a hundred vessels was thrown haphazard into his chamber.

But most human events, even calamities, have two sides. The Agra being brought almost to a standstill, the pirate forged ahead against his will, and the combat took a new and terrible form. The elephant gun popped, and the rifle cracked, in the Agra's mizzen top, and the man at the pirate's helm jumped into the air and fell dead: both Theorists claimed him.

Everybody that's read it likes it" and he intruded it under her nose; "it's a book that I can recommend 'The Pirate's Doom, or the Last of the Buccaneers. I think it's one of the best things that's come out this season." Laura pushed it gently aside her hand and went on and went on filching from "Venetian Life." "I believe I do not want it," she said.

But anybody, not a born fool, must understand without much tellin' that a pirate's life wouldn't be worth havin'. As to work, he'd have to work just as hard as any of us, with the chance of bein' shot at a minute's notice by the skipper or either of the mates, if he didn't happen to do his work just exactly to their likin'. Then he'd be in constant dread of bein' overhauled by a man-o'-war, and mayhap strung up to the yard-arm; he daresn't venture into a civilised port, to save his life.

Pascherette squirmed in the pirate's grasp, but all her cunning now could not avail her. The knife flashed downward, and she fell to her knees, her tiny golden hands pressed to her side, blood trickling through her fingers.

A single glance sufficed to convince us that no more suitable spot than this for a pirate's head-quarters could well be found, for any attempt on the part of the uninitiated to penetrate the intricacies of these multitudinous cays must inevitably have resulted in failure.

It was broken by a loud laugh from the pirate's deep throat. "Be it as thou wilt," he cried. But Elspeth in that moment snatched a dagger from her girdle, and gathering her strength she made a lunge with it at the man's broad chest. The weapon turned upon the strong armour that he wore, and, unhurt, he caught her by the wrist, raising his sword.

The pirate's chance of escape was very considerable. Our hearts sank within us as we saw the prospect of our prolonged captivity. Proportionably the pirates were elated as they felt sure of escaping. On we flew; the sails of the corvette grew darker and darker, till a thin small pyramid alone was seen rising against the sky in the far horizon.