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If Mr Rattlin Mr indeed! turns out to be a swindler, as I'm sure he will, it wouldn't be lawful, nor right, nor proper in me to pay him the money I owe him," said the conscientious Mr Pigtop. "Damn his smooth face! I should like to have the spoiling of it." Here was important information for me to ruminate upon. I was determined to remain still as long as I could gain any intelligence.

My friend, you do but little honour to my cheer, and I am sure that you must want it." "No, no," said Pigtop, with much feeling "you shall never suppose that the old sailor sold the birthright of his honour for a mess of pottage." "Well felt and well said, by all that's upright!

However, I had one chance left an interview with the superb Mrs Causand, that lady that Joshua had so kindly bestowed upon me for a mother. In three days behold us in private lodgings, the Reverend Mr Pigtop looking as sour as any canting Methodist in Barebones' parliament, and quite reconciled to the singularly starch figure that he presented.

His prospects were most disconsolate, and his wretchedness seemed very great. However, he found considerable relief in unburthening himself to me. After our frugal dinner of rump steaks, and our one bottle of port, he returned to the subject of the morning by asking my advice as to his future conduct. "Nay, Pigtop," I replied, "you should not ask me.

My Achates stared at me when I described to him the late occurrences. "So you have at length discovered him?" said he. "I have a voice almost from the grave has imparted to me all that I wished to know and something more. I have sprung from a beautiful race but we must not speak ill of kith and kin, must we, Pigtop?" "For certain not.

Thanks to the expertness of Mr Pigtop, my eyes were singularly well blackened, and the swelling of my face, particularly about the upper lip, had not yet subsided. Owing to my remaining so much, since my arrest, in the obscurity of the between-decks, and perhaps to some inflammation in my eyes, from my recent beating, I blinked upon those before me like an owl.

"Begging your lordship's pardon," said Reud, submissively, with the dubious twinkle in his eye for interrupting a nobleman who is so seldom interrupted "I rather think that it was the fist of Pigtop." "Pigtop! Providence my quotation. Captain Reud, I have not really the pleasure of understanding you. This young gentleman who has been so lately under the chastening hand of Providence " "Pigtop."

But, nevertheless, you shall drink this bottle of porter, and eat this bread and butter and so I'll e'en cut it up into very excellent rounds. You sha'n't accept my friendship without accepting my fare. I like your spirit so well, Pigtop, that for your sake I will never judge of a man again, until I have thrashed him soundly."

My heart bleeds, sir, more than your face do try, sir, for I think the captain's servant is now coming down the hatchway to tell you dinner is ready." In despair, the hungry depilator seized the razors: and, being exasperated with hurry, he made a worse job of it than Joshua. Where Josh had made notches, Pigtop made gashes.

I will complete my dress, and you, in the meantime, look to the pistols." We were soon ready, and sallied forth unperceived from the inn. We had no purpose, no ultimate views; yet both Pigtop and myself seemed fully to understand that we should be compelled into some desperate adventure.