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For a moment Masapo paused, and I thought that he was going to show fight. If he had any such intention, however, he changed his mind, for without a word, or showing any resentment at the insult which he had received, he broke into a heavy run and vanished among the evening shadows. Mameena, who had observed all, broke into something else, namely, a laugh. "Piff!

All this time, I ought to say, not a man of the enemy was to be seen, although I, from where I stood, could see the crenelated walls, and the guns, as they were pointed: at a distance all would seem like an ordinary peasant-house. "As I crossed the open space to gain the copse, piff! came a bullet, whizzing past me; and just as I reached the cover, piff! came another.

In Pontiac, one of the Magilles, the fiddler of the parish, made the following verse in English as a tribute of admiration for an heroic deed of his ancestor, of which the Cure of the parish, the good M. Santonge, had told him: "Piff! poem! ka-zoon, ka-zoon! That is the way of the organ tune And the ships are safe that day! Piff! poum! kazoon, kazoon!

Take with you some one you can trust, if in all Valmy there is such an one!" "There is, sire; one I can trust as my King can trust me." "Yes, yes, but not overmuch; do not trust him overmuch. Remember what I said suspect, suspect." "I am not afraid, sire, Stephen La Mothe owes everything to me." "Gratitude? Is that any reason for faithfulness? Piff!"

Miss Whiff, Miss Piff, and me, we drored a heavy breath, equal to saying, "We thought as much!" Miss Whiff and Miss Piff seeming to object to my droring mine along with theirs, I drored another to aggravate 'em. "Shall I be believed," says Our Missis, with flashing eyes, "when I tell you that no sooner had I set my foot upon that treacherous shore "

There was disagreement what such a person should be called. Miss Piff screeched her shrill opinion last, in the words: "A malignant maniac!" "I adopt," says Our Missis, "the brand set upon such a person by the righteous indignation of my friend Miss Piff. A malignant maniac.

"I don't know just how you happen to be in this game," pronounced Chamberlain hotly, "but all I've got to say is you're an ass an infernal ass." Hand, rolling up his sleeves, remained silent. "I suppose if you'd had a perfectly good million-dollar bank-note, you'd have let it blow away piff! right out of your hands!" he fumed.

Piff, what a smell of burning! It's the hair-thing hangin' on the lookin'-glass." Male Society began to practise the shedding of its final g's, you will remember, about the time that Female Society took to wearing transformation coiffures. Lady Hannah, her active little figure rustling in the thinnest of silk drapery, jumped nimbly out of bed, and rushed to save her property.

"Give me a horse or, better still, two horses things with brains, created by the Almighty, and not a thing that goes piff, piff, piff, and leaves an ungodly smell along the roads, to say nothing of the dust!" So she had come here behind two fine horses, sleek and overfed. "Hello!" she said. "Hello!" said Hugh, and kissed her, and so the feud between them was ended.

And so he went, stamping and shaking his sides, along the platform all the way to his own compartment. Our young ladies, Miss Whiff, Miss Piff, and Mrs. Sniff, was unanimous opposed to her going; for, as they says to Our Missis one and all, it is well beknown to the hends of the herth as no other nation except Britain has a idea of anythink, but above all of business.