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We could not understand, that is to say, we could not have understood, had the notion of this primum mobile ever obtruded itself; we could not have understood in what manner it might be made to further the objects of humanity, either temporal or eternal. It cannot be denied that phrenology and, in great measure, all metaphysicianism have been concocted a priori.

Hartley and Mr. Men's animal instincts, however, are probably, equally with the mere sensations, connected directly with physical conditions of the brain and nerves. Whether or not there be any direct relation between organic causes and any other mental phenomena, Physiology is likely in time to show; but at least Phrenology does not embody the principles of the relation.

You know from my lectures that I consider phrenology, as taught, a pseudo-science, and not a branch of positive knowledge; but, for all that, we owe it an immense debt. It has melted the world's conscience in its crucible, and cast it in a new mould, with features less like those of Moloch and more like those of humanity.

Astronomy is regarded as a wonderfully exact science because an eclipse can be computed one hundred years in advance to the fraction of a second, yet astronomers differ in regard to the distance of the sun from the earth to the trifling extent of six million miles. Shall we therefore reject astronomy? Phrenology is not a fully-developed science. I am glad it is not.

I graduated in law at the University of Wisconsin; but as I lived several years in Texas, I consider that I am very much of a Southerner." "And as to phrenology?" "I love it. There is so much to it so much more than many people imagine. Of course, I am working for money, but above and beyond that is the desire to do good to my fellow-men. How?

On one of the door-posts at this inn, was a tin plate, whereon was inscribed in characters of gold, 'Doctor Crocus; and on a sheet of paper, pasted up by the side of this plate, was a written announcement that Dr. Crocus would that evening deliver a lecture on Phrenology for the benefit of the Belleville public; at a charge, for admission, of so much a head.

As it is, she uses more tact than force, but he obeys implicitly, nevertheless." "What benefits do you claim, Professor, to result from the practice of phrenology as applied to matrimony?" "Simply the results of knowledge and observation in any direction.

Then he introduced himself. It was Professor William Windsor, LL.B., "phrenologist and anthropologist." "I have been an active practitioner in my line," said the Professor, in answer to a question, "for many years now. For some time before that I studied phrenology and practiced law, but in later years I have devoted all my time to the active practice of that which I have now made my profession.

One man is splendidly equipped with knowledge and is thoroughly posted in regard to how a business should be conducted in all of its practical and theoretical details, but he is afflicted with inertia, he does not move. The unscientific observer says he is lazy, and that is true, but Phrenology analyzes even laziness and finds that it is caused by a lack of sense.

Doctor Holmes ridiculed phrenology as an attempt to estimate the money in a safe by the knobs on the outside, but he evidently was a believer in physiognomy, and he exemplified this in his own case. His face had a comical expression from boyhood; its profile reminded one of those prehistoric images which Di Cesnola brought from Cyprus.