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The expression of his eyes was hidden behind gold-rimmed spectacles. It would have been impossible for a European to guess his age, anything between twenty-five and fifty. His thick, plum-coloured hair was brushed up on his forehead in a butcher-boy's curl. His teeth glittered with dentist's gold. He wore a tweed suit of bright pea-soup colour, a rainbow tie and yellow boots.

"I make him do just what I like," said Horner, in a contemptuous tone. "Take care that you don't treat him in the same way, for if he has too many masters he may be inclined to kick." Before long Esdale returned with a bowl of pea-soup, and a plate at the top of it containing some potatoes, and a piece of fat boiled pork. "Now fall to, youngsters," said Horner, in a patronising tone.

Next moment he was swept off his legs, and went into the lee scuppers with his comrade in a bath of pea-soup and salt-water! Fortunately, the obliging wave which came in-board at the same moment mingled with the soup, and saved both men from a scalding. Such mishaps, however, were rare, and they served rather to enliven the voyage than otherwise.

"Why don't you ask some of our old friends? Old Mrs. Portman has asked us twenty times, I am sure, within the last two years." "And the last time we went there, there was pea-soup for dinner!" Mrs. Timmins said, with a look of ineffable scorn. "Nobody can have been kinder than the Hodges have always been to us; and some sort of return we might make, I think." "Return, indeed!

At the first light of the moon she roused him. She had put food into his fur-coat pocket, and after he had drunk a bowl of hot pea-soup, while she told him his course again, she opened the door, and he passed out into the night. He started forward without a word, but came back again and caught her hand. "Pardon," he said; "I go forget everyt'ing except dat.

He's a little fat and slightly bald, and he's got three pips up, and has had them for a long time. Well, look at them. He's searching her eyes, he is, Peter, really. That's how it's done: you just watch. And he doesn't know if he's eating pea-soup or oyster-sauce.

Still, we must have something to chat about. Meanwhile Brigade Majors and Adjutants, holding a stumpy pencil in one hand and a burning brow in the other, are composing Operation Orders which shall effect the relief, without Leaving some detail the bombers, or the snipers, or the sock-driers, or the pea-soup experts unrelieved altogether.

Landslips occur daily during the rainy season; streams of rich mud pour down the valley's slopes, and as the river flows beneath in a swollen torrent, the friable banks topple down into the stream and dissolve. The Atbara becomes the thickness of pea-soup, as its muddy waters steadily perform the duty they have fulfilled from age to age.

Well, at last we boomed her off from the wharf, and about seven that night got clear of the Thames; it was a fine breeze all night, and we ran through the Swin by the lead, which is what every one won't attempt: next morning we were off Yarmouth Roads, with the water as yellow as pea-soup; never saw it otherwise, and I'm an old collier; reason why, the swells of the ocean thrashes up the sands off there ay, and shifts them too occasionally, which is of more consequence.

A man would think little of them in a sporting expedition in the Himalayas; but after a long time the monotony tells. The heat tells. You are sometimes "a bit slack," and at those times the cooking of your wretched morsel of flesh, or the struggle for a drop of pea-soup coloured water becomes irksome. The little star on your shoulder saves you from all that.