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When pretty well breathed our waifs were grown too hardy by that time to be easily exhausted the Guardian got them to sit round him and sing that sweet hymn: "Shall we gather at the river?" And tears bedewed many eyes, for they were reminded that there were yet many partings in store before that gathering should take place.

And though I am sorry not to see thee, partings are sad at the best, and I have a strong belief that I shall return well and sound. Dear Primrose, if so be thou could get word to my mother without too great an effort, tell her I keep her in my heart day and night. She will know it was not possible for me to accede to my father's request, pleasant as it might have been for others.

Their interviews, being thus difficult and rare, served not only for continual exercise of their self-control, but brought them together with their bodies healthy and vigorous, and their affections fresh and lively, unsated and undulled by easy access and long continuance with each other; while their partings were always early enough to leave behind unextinguished in each of them some remainder fire of longing and mutual delight.

She could not keep back her tears, as always at our partings; the more as she had had dreams the night before and she took her dreams very seriously. "Deary," she sobbed, "it has been revealed to me that you go into great perils when you set out to-day. I saw danger all about you, danger from men and danger from beasts.

Our dressing and undressing, our eating and drinking, our greetings and partings, our hat-raisings and giving way for ladies to precede, nay, even most of the forms of our common speech, are things of a type so fixed by repetition as almost to be classed as reflex actions. To each sort of impression we have an automatic, ready-made response.

In the last two days he had been no stranger to these grey moods, and they had become harder and harder to dispel. Now, with the steamer-trunk before him gaping to receive its contents, he gave himself up whole-heartedly to gloom. Somehow the steamer-trunk, with all that it implied of partings and voyagings, seemed to emphasize the fact that he was going out alone into an empty world.

"Now, Jeff," she said, after a certain number of partings, in which she had apparently kept his duty clearly in mind, "you had better go home and tell your mother." "Oh, there's time enough for that," he began. "I want you to tell her right away, or there won't be anything to tell." "Is that so?" he joked back. "Well, if I must, I must, I suppose.

We enjoyed everything offered for breakfast, two matzos and two cups of tea apiece why it was a banquet. After it came the good-byes, as we were going soon. As I told you before, the strangers became fast friends in a short time under the circumstances, so there was real sorrow at the partings, though the joy of the fortunate ones was, in a measure, shared by all.

There are questions and answers, exchanges of joy or sorrow, there are kissings and partings, just as between little children with all their senses." 'During this year, and six months after she had left home, her mother came to visit her, and the scene of their meeting was an interesting one.

She believed in it as implicitly, as consumingly, as he believed in it himself; and when her whole kindred spoke as one and said no, and she sent him away, she knew she was a lifelong widow from that hour. Gholson found a wife, a rich widow ten years his senior, and so first of all, since we have reached the page for partings, good-bye Gholson.