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"No, Fitz," the colonel did not like his tone, "but a few partin' instructions which will answer in place of a more formally drawn will."

Maybe they'll let you pick out somethin' that suits you better next time." He couldn't get over it, though. Along about lunch time he comes out to me, as solemn as though he's servin' a warrant for homicide, and says that Mr. Robert will attend to my case now. "Piddie," says I, givin' him the partin' grip, "you've been a true friend of mine.

I told him I had sent for you an' when you got heah these slippery, mysterious thieves, whoever they were, would shore have hell to pay. Greaves said he hoped so, but he was afraid I was partial to my Indian son. Then we had hot words. Blaisdell got between us. When I was leavin' I took a partin' fling at him. 'Greaves, you ought to know the Isbels, considerin' you're from Texas.

I Am Rudely Awakened from Dreams of Home I Go on Picket The Foe Advances A Desperate Conflict The Union Confederate Breakfast on the Alabama Race-Track A Friendly Partin

I could afford my daughter nae sic sum, and especially no to be thrown awa on the like o' him. But Jeannie cam to me wi' the tears on her cheeks, and 'O David! says she, 'there's naething for it but partin' wi' a thousand pounds on the ae hand or our bairn's death and her shame on the ither! Oh! if a knife had been driven through my heart, it couldna pierced it like the word shame!

"But, Sinfi," I said, "how are we to travel without money? I have not a copper." "Ah, but I've got gold balansers about me, and they're better nor copper." "Dear Sinfi!" I said, "I'd rather borrow of you than any one in the world." "Borrow!" said she, "all right! Now we shall have to speak to Mr. D'Arcy about it. It'll be like drawin' one o' his teeth partin' with you." 'When I next saw Mr.

And we parted one day, I carryin' the song that he wrote for me of Farcalladen Rise, and the memory of him; and him givin' me the word,'I'll not forget you, Shon, me boy, whatever comes; remember that. And a short pull of the Three-Star together for the partin' salute, says he.

"I never seed no coal in these mountains like that did you?" "Not often find it around here?" "Right hyeh on this farm about five feet thick!" "What?" "An' no partin'." "No partin'" it was not often that he found a mountaineer who knew what a parting in a coal bed was. "A friend o' mine on t'other side," a light dawned for the engineer. "Oh," he said quickly. "That's how you knew my name."

We'll pay that mortgage up to-morrow." "The mortgage is all paid. We've paid it, Abel," cried Ann. "Paid! The mortgage ain't paid!" "Yes, we've paid it. We all earnt money an' paid it." "Then we can keep the money," said the old man, happily. "We can keep it, mother; I thought it would go kinder hard partin' with it. I've worked so hard to save it.

I don't see that it's any of your d d business so to speak but ez the Judge here allows you're all in the secret, I've called you in to take a partin' drink to the health of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Byng ez is now comf'ably off on their bridal tower.