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Says Seneca, Epistle lxxxvi., "Nisi parietes magnis et preciosis orbibus refulserunt." The baths were scenes of orgies consecrated to Bacchus, and the frescoes on the excavated baths of Pompeii still raise a blush on the face of every spectator who visits them.

In two of the cases the hysteropexy had been performed over five years before the pregnancy occurred, and, although the bands of adhesion between the fundus and the parietes must have become very tough after so long a period, no special difficulty was encountered.

Opening of the vagina upon the parietes, of which Le Fort has collected a number of cases, has never been observed in connection with a viable fetus. Absence of the labia majora has been observed, especially by Pozzi, to the exclusion of all other anomalies. It is the rule in exstrophy of the bladder.

There was a small puncture in the abdominal parietes, through which the whole of the intestines protruded and were constricted. The opening was so small that he had to enlarge it with a bistoury to replace the bowel, which was dark and congested; he sutured the wound with silver wire, but the child subsequently died.

Poulet remarks that Vigla has collected the most interesting of these cases of migration of foreign bodies. Hevin mentions several cases of grains of wheat abstracted from abscesses of the thoracic parietes, from thirteen to fifteen days after ingestion. Bonnet and Helmontius have reported similar facts.

On the 21st, while straining as if to discharge the contents of the rectum, she felt a voluminous body pass through the vagina, and fancied it was the expected fetus. After washing this mass it was found to be a portion of the vaginal parietes and the fleshy body of the neck of the uterus. The woman believed she had miscarried, and still persisted in refusing medicine.

"The duke is a real Scotsman a true friend to the country," answered Saddletree's hearers. "Ay, troth is he, to king and country baith, as ye sall hear," continued the orator, "if ye will come in bye to our house, for it's safest speaking of sic things inter parietes."

After a somewhat protracted illness the patient recovered, notwithstanding the extent of injury and the primitive mode of treatment. Travers mentions the case of a woman of fifty-three who, with suicidal intent, divided her abdominal parietes below the navel with a razor, wounding the stomach in two places.

According to Ashhurst, Gamgee has collected 28 cases of rupture of this viscus, including one observed by himself. In nine of these cases there was no fracture, and either no bruise of the parietes or a very slight one.

"Ye speak like a child, Steenie I mean my Lord of Buckingham," answered the king, "and as one that does not understand the logic of the schools; for an action may be inconsequential or even meritorious, quoad hominem, that is, as touching him upon whom it is acted; and yet most criminal, quoad locum, or considering the place wherein it is done; as a man may lawfully dance Chrighty Beardie or any other dance in a tavern, but not inter parietes ecclesiae.