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Simmun and gentlemen, I've been locked up here for safety, but my endeavours has always been, and always will be, to be on the right side the blessed side and to prenounce the Pope of Babylon, and all her inward and her outward workings, which is Pagin.

"Why, from somewhere in Pennsylvania," says Waddy; "some weird little place that I never could remember the name of." "Huh!" says I. "Quite a sizable state, you know. You couldn't ramble through it in an afternoon pagin' Joe Bruzinski." "I suppose one couldn't," says Waddy. "But there must be some way of locating him. Couldn't I telegraph to the War Department?"

'Praise be a danst doesn't come as often as Ord'ly-room, or, by this an' that, Orth'ris, me son, I wud be the dishgrace av the rig'mint instid av the brightest jool in uts crown. 'Hand the Colonel's pet noosance, said Ortheris. 'But wot makes you curse your rations? This 'ere fizzy stuff's good enough. 'Stuff, ye oncivilised pagin! 'Tis champagne we're dhrinkin' now.

"Whin you've fired into nothin' as often as me, over a better man than yoursilf, you will not make a mock av thim orders. 'Tis worse than whistlin' the Dead March in barricks. An' you full as a tick, an' the sun cool, an' all an' all! I take shame for you. You're no better than a Pagin you an' your firin'-parties an' your glass-eyes. Won't you stop ut, sorr?" What could I do?

"Praise be a danst doesn't come as often as Ord'ly-room, or, by this an' that, Orth'ris, me son, I wud be the dishgrace av the rig'mint instid av the brightest jool in uts crown." "Hand the Colonel's pet noosance," said Ortheris, "But wot makes you curse your rations? This 'ere fizzy stuff's good enough." "Stuff, ye oncivilized pagin! 'Tis champagne we're dhrinkin' now.