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This, of course, is a distorted method of existing: there should ever be in the mind a process corresponding to the in-breathing and out-breathing of the lungs. The active and acquisitive consciousness procures the mental food: the subconscious stores this up, assimilates it, and turns it into a kind of inner mentor or conscience which in due course issues its orders and offers its advice.

The Yogi Teachings contain much regarding the "Days and Nights of Brahm;" the "In-breathing and Out-breathing of the Creative Principle;" the periods of "Manvantara," and the periods of "Pralaya." This thought runs through all the Oriental thought, although in different forms, and with various interpretations.

Autumn on the mountain slopes, and in the mesa-girdled valleys of New Mexico hung rainbow-tinted lights by day, with star-beam pointed paths trailing across the blue night-sky. And all the rugged beauty of a picturesque land, basking in lazy warmth, out-breathing sweet, pure air, made the old trail to Santa an enchanting highway to me, despite the burden of a grief that weighed me down.

ANSWER: In Lesson Sixth, of the present series, you will find a brief mention of the "Days and Nights of Brahm" those vast periods of the In-breathing and Out-breathing of the Creative Principle which is personified in the Hindu conception of Brahma.

Most plain, most artless, does their composition appear; like the natural out-breathing of the heart in its sunny moments; and yet as with all earthly brightness with a trace of cloud on that sunshine.

And yet the Lodge did not leave Rome lightless; there was much spiritual teaching in the centuries of the Empire; indeed, a new out-breathing in each century, as an effort to retrieve the great defeat; and this has been the inner history of europe ever since.