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"They're not likely to be onfriendly," observed Flinders, "for there's only five o' them altogither, an' wan o' them's only a bit of a boy an' another looks uncommon like a wo " He had got thus far when he was checked by Paul Bevan's exclaiming, with a look of intense surprise, "Why, that's Betty! or her ghost!" Flinders's astonishment was too profound to escape in many words.

"I feel a little mite onfriendly, putting up signs like that 'fore my neighbours," he admitted, "but the fact is, it ain't the neighbours so much as it's boys that need raising, an' them town creatures who call themselves sportsmen, an' kill a hummin'-bird to see if they can hit it.

I laughed, an' I say, 'Well, Pompey, I say, 'I don't know about loandin' out a chu'ch broom to a sinner like you. An' at dat he giggle, 'Well, we wants it to play preacher an' dat seems like a mighty suitable job for a chu'ch broom. An' of co'se wid dat I passed over de broom, wid my best wushes to de bride; an' when he fetched it back, I ricollec', he fetched me a piece o' de weddin'-cake but it warn't no mo'n common one-two-three-fo'-cup-cake wid about seventeen onfriendly reesons stirred into it wid brown sugar.

"Onfriendly!" drawled Bob, leaning back against the step and letting a smoke ring curl up. "Well, tha's a good, nice parlor word. Yes, I reckon you could call them onfriendly." Presently he went on, in explanation: "Brad's goin' to put Crawford down and out if it can be done by hook or crook. He's a big man in the country now. We haven't been lucky, like he has.

When he sat down to eat the breakfast the rustler had cooked, it was with his back to the bluff and the rifle across his knees. "This here rope hurts tur'ble seems like my wrists are on fire," whined the man. "You let me down, Mr. Clanton, and I'll explain eve'ything. I want to be yore friend. I sure do. I don't feel noways onfriendly to you.

"You see, we had what you might call ringside seats, and I noticed that it didn't take you very long to come back with some mighty stiff projecting yourself." "Yes. Him pastin' me between the eyes that way, I took as an onfriendly act, an' one I resented." "That wallop you landed on his chin was a beautiful piece of work." "Yes, quite comely." The cowboy wriggled his fingers painfully.

"He'd kep' watch over it ever sence Simon began to get into trouble, reckon he knew pooty well how things would come out; an' bimeby Jason Doble, as held the mortgage, he up an' died, an' then Lawyer Clinch stepped in an' told the 'xecutors how Jason owed him a big debt, but he didn't want to do nothin' onfriendly, so he'd take the mortgage on Hartley's Glen and call it square.