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"You were ill, and so they took you back to Paris." But no, that was not the case, and the Huberts did not know the whole history until they had drawn it, little by little from Angelique. Louis Franchomme, who was a cousin of Maman Nini, went to pass a month in his native village when recovering from a fever.

On we sped, past the huge lumbering motorbuses, which terrified the poor animal who tugged vehemently at her string, at times almost choking herself. In half an hour we had caught up with the caravan, and as I lifted poor exhausted Betsy on to the hay, Nini roused from her dozing and pointing to the east, said, "Oh, look! what a big fire!"

This excellent low relief of Franklin is in a case with a number of other medallions, made by an Italian, Nini, whom the owner of Chaumont brought here in the hope of turning to account some clay found on the estate. This admirable medallion excited the two antiquarians of the party more than anything we have seen here, even more than the weird sky parlor of Ruggieri.

Mind!" On the landing I met Madame Guix already fully dressed. "Nous partons," was all I said. She understood and followed me towards Yvonne's room. The two children, their teeth chattering, looked towards us in terror. "Nini, put on the warmest clothes you possess and help Madame Guix to dress Yvonne. Then go to the kitchen and wait there without moving."

The next patient had fever. This one got twenty grains of quinine in water. "This man carries no load to-morrow," was the direction, "but he must not drop behind." Two or three surgical cases followed. Then a big Kavirondo rose to his feet. "Nini?" demanded F. "Homa-fever," whined the man. F. clapped his hand on the back of the other's neck.

Let the world sink back to its earlier apathy. His voice was resentful. "Carfax wasn't a good fellow, Craven. No, I know Nil nini bonum . . . and all the rest of it. But it looks a bit like a judgment judgment from Heaven." Craven broke in. "But now just now when his body's lying there. I know there were things he did. He was a bit wild, of course "

"I should think not," Temple answered the hiatus. Then he looked at the black-browed, scowling woman, and his look was very kind. "Nini and her German swine were beginning to be amiable," said the woman in an aside which Betty did not hear. "For Christ's sake take the child away, and put her safely for the night somewhere, if you have to ring up a Mother Superior or a Governesses' Aid Society."

We were still working over her when Nini appeared and said I was wanted below. When Yvonne's eyelashes began to flutter, I left Madame Guix and regained the kitchen, now become the head-quarters. More refugees! Would I let them come in? They were traveling without a map or guide and dared not venture along the roads at night.

Madame Guix then counted the number of persons composing our party, and sent Nini to fetch as many blankets and pillows. These, with a box containing salt, sugar, chocolate, and other dry provisions, a valise packed with a few bandages and a little medicine, were put onto a little light farm-cart to which we might harness Cesar in case of great emergency.

"And, Nini," he continued, addressing my youngest maid, aged ten, "Nini, lay a cloth and bring out the champagne glasses. The boys shan't go without a last joyful toast." There were four of them; four of them whose military books ordered them to reach the nearest railway station, with two days' rations, as soon as possible after the declaration of mobilization.