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Her face brightened, however, as she saw the carriage and was convinced that they would be able to get to Montreal in time for the night train for Sherbrooke. William assisted Miss Cuthbert into the trap, and placed Mrs. Clarkson carefully beside her; then, mounting the box, he thanked the caretaker for his kind offices and drove, via Cote des Neiges hill, to Montreal. He suggested to Mrs.

We can appreciate more beauty, but do we appreciate any quite as much as in those old days when we were such passionate monotheists of the beautiful? Alas! We are priests no more, are we even lovers? But we are wonderful connoisseurs. It is our souls. Mais sont les neiges d'antan?

Que s'il y auoit de la peine a tomber, il y en auoit encor plus a se retirer: car nos raquettes se chargeoient de neiges et se rendoient si pesantes, que quand vous veniez a les retirer il vous sembloit qu'on vous tiroit les iambes pour vous demembrer.

«Les flancs et la base de La montagne ont aussi été dégradés par les torrens que produisent la pluie et les neiges fondues, qui ont formé de larges et profondes excavations

As they neared Cote des Neiges Miss Cuthbert commenced to scamper along like a child, and at one short declivity, she started off at a run, calling on the others to follow.

I have never loved." "You!" And all those stories those countrymen of his had spread abroad, all his own love-poems were in that exclamation. "No never mortal woman. Only statues and the beautiful dead dream-women, vanished with the neiges d'antan. What did it matter whom I married? Perhaps you would have had me aspire higher than a grisette? To a tradesman's daughter? Or a demoiselle in society?

Hesterna Rosa, I may cry with the blind old bard of Tusculum; or shall we say, Hesterna Margaritae? Yesterday's Daisy, yesterday's Rose, were it of Paestum, who values it to-day? Mais ou sont les neiges d'automne? However, yesterday the day before yesterday, rather Miss Annie P. Miller was well enough.

IN two months more Frances had fulfilled the time of mourning for her aunt. One January morning the first of the new year holidays I went in a fiacre, accompanied only by M. Vandenhuten, to the Rue Notre Dame aux Neiges, and having alighted alone and walked upstairs, I found Frances apparently waiting for me, dressed in a style scarcely appropriate to that cold, bright, frosty day.

And in some respects The Professor is more finished, better constructed than any of her later books. There is virtue in its extreme sobriety. Nothing could be more delicate and firm than the drawing of Frances Henri; nothing in its grey style more admirable than the scene where Crimsworth, having found Frances in the cemetery, takes her to her home in the Rue Notre Dame aux Neiges.

But let it be so; the whitest skins have moles, the sun has spots; he is my mole, my spot; and I, I am the father of the fool, Narcisse." Narcisse was that moment at a tavern in the beautiful village of Cote des Neiges, adjacent to Stillyside, and much resorted to by pleasure seekers from Montreal.