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Just beyond the float, and lying between the Olympia and Navy Bungalow, the pretty little naptha launch on which Captain Stewart's party were to be Captain Boynton's guests, rode lightly at anchor, her bright work reflecting the sunlight, her awning a-flutter, her signal pennant waving bravely. "I've GOT to play I'm a porpoise. I've simply GOT to.

It also says nothing about the various kinds of labor-saving machinery which we have now taught to work for us sail-boats, naptha launches, yachts, automobiles, and private cars all of which may be busily occupied during the seventh day of the week.

Small groups of men stood talking at the corner of the market place; a big family went by, evidently returning from a country walk; presently the lamps were lighted, and then immense excitement reigned in the little place for at the corner where the two main streets crossed each other at right angles a cheap-jack had set up his stall and, with flaring naptha lamps to show his goods, was selling by auction the most wonderful clocks at the very lowest prices in fact, the most superior glass, china, clothing, and furniture that the people of Firdale had ever had the privilege of seeing.

There were represented: the birch-bark canoe from Alaska a Norwegian steamship in miniature the bimba or log canoe from Africa the Bohemian propeller corials from British Guiana the Japanese pleasure-boat "Hoomaru" the padda boats from Ceylon the caique from Turkey; furthermore, models of Spanish war-vessels Malay boats Swedish ice-yachts folding boats from Canada Chinese war-ships barges from Burmah French torpedo boats characteristic coast-vessels from India Venetian gondolas Dutch coast sailing boats the caravels, Santa Maria, Nina and Pinta, exhibited by Genoa Siamese boats life-boats naptha launches and a great number of small craft shown by the United States.

Ether, naptha, and essential oils take gold from its solvent, and form liquors which have been called potable gold.

His two brothers, Robert and Louis Nobel, founded the naptha and petroleum works at Bacou, one of the largest industrial enterprises of Russia. Alfred himself invented dynamite and dynamite gum, and a smokeless powder, ballistite, which he patented in 1867, 1876, and 1889. It is mainly due to the works of the Nobel family that Sweden has attained the reputation of Master Producer of Explosives.

From the crude oil thus distilled there will be produced something like 10,000,000 gallons of refined burning oil annually, besides crude solid paraffin, and other products, such as naptha and lubricating oils. It is further calculated that the average wages paid in connection with this industry will reach between £400,000 and £500,000 per annum.

Promptly at two the party went down to the Griswold dock, gay with excitement and a holiday crowd embarking in every sort of craft, all bound for the course up the river. The naptha launch had been run alongside the long Griswold pier and it did not take long for Captain Boynton's party to scramble aboard.

In Kerman, and again in Palestine, it showed itself in the shape of large masses, not inappropriately termed "mountains." Finally, in India it was the chief material of a long mountain-range, which is capable of supplying the whole world with salt for many ages. Bitumen and naptha were also very widely diffused.