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We again made less than five kilometres; in the two days we had been descending nearly a metre for every kilometre we made in advance; and it hardly seemed as if this state of things could last, for the aneroid showed that we were getting very low down. How I longed for a big Maine birch-bark, such as that in which I once went down the Mattawamkeag at high water!

They hauled the crippled Mary Ann ashore and discharged her cargo in order to examine the injuries received. "Well, now, we're giving an imitation of the early voyageurs," said John, as he saw the rent in the side of the canoe. "But how are we going to fix her? She isn't a birch-bark, and if she were, we have no bark."

"I won't let her know that I care; and I must be polite because she is a guest, even if she wasn't invited," thought Rebby, as carrying the lustre mug and a birch-bark plate with a square of honeycomb and a brownish crisp "spider-cake" she went toward Lucia. Neither of the little girls spoke, and Rebby did not look at her former friend who had led her into such sad mischief.

Nicholas signified a remote destination with his whip. "B'lieve you! This kind o' thing would discourage even a mosquito." In the teeth of the blast they went past the Pymeut Summer Resort. Unlike Pymeut proper, its cabins were built entirely above ground, of logs unchinked, its roofs of watertight birch-bark.

The tiny birch-bark teepees of the now deserted Indian village glowed palely. Above, the stars looked calmly down at the accusing finger of the tower pointing upward, as if in reproach at their indifference to the savagery that reigned over the whole earth. Like a fairy tower of jewels the building rose.

This kindly offer to risk and to share the dangers, he also refused, saying, "that he could go in his white man's canoe anywhere an Indian could go in a birch-bark."

Towards evening on the 3rd it fell a dead calm, and the heavy boat could make but little progress against the strong running current of the river, so I bethought me of the little birch-bark canoe which I had brought from Rat Portage; it was a very tiny one, but that was no hindrance to the work I now\ required of it. We had been sailing all day, so my men were fresh.

I never built a house before, but I am sure this one of mine is going to be a success. After we have eaten I am going to look for birch-bark to make the covering, but there's one thing that is worrying me." "What is that?" he asked. "I am wondering how to fasten the bark together. I shall have to get it in strips, I know, and the strips will have to be sewn together.

As it stumbled weakly against the cabin wall the gruesome creature held the object up, and Rod saw that it was a roll of birch-bark! An ember in the dying fire snapped with a sound like the report of a small pistol and Rod sat bolt upright, awake, staring, trembling. What a horrible dream!

From that shore two rifle- shots rang out. Timothy Brown pitched out of the boat and went down bubbling red, and that was the last of Timothy Brown. He, Leclere, pitched into the bottom of the boat with a stinging shoulder. He lay very quiet, peeping at the shore. After a time two Indians stuck up their heads and came out to the water's edge, carrying between them a birch-bark canoe.