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The same mixed strain which gave England Wolfe and Wellington, the Napiers and the Lawrences, has given America some of her greatest captains; and not the least famous of her Presidents is that General Jackson who won the battle of New Orleans in 1814.

Cane's large square house on Chestnut Street, that the Manchu still absorbed his speculations. It was a pleasant room and a pleasant house with a dignified portico; and his tall windows, back on the right of the second floor, opened on the length of the Napiers' garden. Brevard sat looking out over a dim leafiness of evening and tried to discipline his thoughts into order and coherence.

At that time the cars, Argylls, Napiers, Siddeley-Deaseys, and a Crossley, inscribed "Frank Crossley, the Pet of Poperinghe," were just parked haphazard in the open square, some with their bonnets one way and some another it just depended which of the two drives up to camp had been chosen.

The fighting cars were Rolls-Royces, the others Napiers and Fords. At that time there were only four batteries in the country. We were army troops that is to say, we were not attached to any individual brigade, or division, or corps, but were temporarily assigned first here and then there, as the need arose. In attacks we worked in co-operation with the cavalry.

Among the soulless, pompous, unspeakable London statues, here at last there was one over which it is pleasant to linger. 'What other one is there? 'Gordon in Trafalgar Square. 'Well, Gordon, perhaps. But our Nelsons and Napiers and Havelocks to think that we could do no better than that for them! Now, dear, we have seen the man let us look at the house!

She gave them little opportunity for examination, having hurried away as if she had been afraid of being searched for stolen property. "Isbel Napier," whispered Mrs. Hislop; "she wha first brought evil into the house of the Napiers, with all its woe." "And who bodes us small hope here," said he, "if she has been with the nurse."

His vacations he either passed with the Napiers, or in visiting the houses of his friends in Forfar or Fife, hunting, hawking, playing billiards or attending races; but he never failed to go to the kirk on Sundays or days of preachings in his best clothes with a nosegay in his coat, for he was very fond of flowers, and always had them on his table.

He bowed absently, and hastening to his room softly closed the door and sat without supper, late into the evening, lost in a bitterness that continually poisoned the resolutions formed out of his overwhelming need. He was aghast at the inner violence that destroyed the long tranquility of his existence, the clenched hands and spoken words lost in the shadows over the Napiers' garden.

It came, not as the sequel to a sanguinary war, but as a sign of the confidence inspired in turbulent and sometimes treacherous chiefs by the sterling qualities of those able frontier statesmen, the Napiers, the Lawrences, General Jacob, and Major Sandeman.

'Not a bit, Commander Beauchamp, not a bit, sir. Early or late, and ay ready with the Napiers; I'll wash, I'll wash. 'I came to speak to you of this article of yours on me. They tell me in the office that you are the writer. Pray don't "Commander" me so much. It's not customary, and I object to it. 'Certainly, certainly, Timothy acquiesced. 'And for the future, Mr.