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"It isn't an exciting tale, but it is very appropriate at this time," replied Mr. Starr, smiling at the eager faces. "I was a very young man then. I didn't find out until I returned to New York after that trip what a prize your mother was." "Oh, how does Mumzie know about the trip, then?" asked Dot. "Because I have often told her how that trip decided for me my future business life," replied Mr.

"I'm goin' to put on my best dress, too, Mumzie," said Dot, and Don whispered that he wanted to put on his Sunday suit. "All right, dearies, but hurry so you will be here if he comes," returned Mrs. Starr, smiling with anticipation.

At this her mother would be terrified, and clasping her treasure close, would tell her she must never ask about her papa; he was a dreadful man. "Like Jack, the Giant-killer, mumzie?" "Oh, my dearie, he is a great deal worse." Again Ruth said; "I know, mumzie, my papa is a great black thing like the pictures on the circus papers!"

Babs stood gaping at the tree and never saying a word. "Say, Mumzie, you jus' said 'Would be his first stop' but he's been and done it!" exclaimed Don. "Oh, but he hasn't distributed the gifts. Don't you think he will want to hand them about himself?" asked Mrs. Starr. "Maybe he won't have time, you know. He has to go so far to-night.

"We'll ask Daddum next time we see him," said Meredith, as Paul and he continued on their way. "Dot, we'll just go over and take a look at those balsam beds. If we like them better, we will ask Mumzie to have ours changed. If ours is best, we won't say anything," whispered astute Don.

Close upon the twins' heels came the two cubs, stopping now and then to sniff at something on the ground, then trying to run and catch up but falling over each other in the attempt. As the group came up to Mr. and Mrs. Starr, the former said, "Well, children, our winter in the forest is almost over. Mumzie and I were just talking about packing up for home." "Home!" said Don, aghast.

Dot's was empty but pulled to pieces, while Don's sheets were dragged down and the blanket gone. Instantly, Lavinia recalled kidnapping stories, and bears and Indians carrying away little children. She opened the door and cried for her mother to come. "Mumzie, I can't find the twins, and I can't think where they have gone!" wept Lavinia. "Oh, just about somewhere with Mike," replied Mr.

The moment the children came toward the clearing, however, they gave shrieks of pleasure. "Oh, Mumzie, I thought Santa never came until night!" cried Dot, disappointed to find that her plot to catch him had failed. "That is the way down home, of course; but here, why I suppose this will be his first stop as we are so near his home," replied Mrs. Starr.