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This attention is net evinced by any flattery, except the most delicate a profound silence when these belles of other days recount anecdotes of their own times, or comment on the occurrences of ours, or by an alacrity to perform the little services of picking up a fallen mouchoir de poche, bouquet, or fan, placing a shawl, or handing to a carriage.

I have seen fowls and ham share the same fate, without any newspaper at all. I have seen jelly carefully wrapped in an Italian countess's laced mouchoir! I think the servants must have had orders not to allow entire bottles of wine to be carried away, for I never saw that attempted, and can imagine no other reason why.

Not to be outdone by her mother-in-law on the mouchoir question, she displayed a white muslin handkerchief thickly embroidered with gold thread more ornamental than useful. They were all curled up on divans sipping coffee and smoking cigarettes when I entered. Madame B presented me, and they received me very graciously, asked my age, examined my clothes and inquired if I had any jewels at home.

"Eventail," repeated Newton, who began to be amused, and who now repeated every French word after them. "Flacon," said Charlotte, showing him the eau de Cologne bottle. "Chaise," cried Louise, holding up a chair. "Livre," said Nina, pointing to a book. "Mouchoir," said Caroline, holding up an embroidered handkerchief. "Montre" followed up Manchette, pointing to her mistress's watch.

"Éventail," repeated Newton, who began to be amused, and who now repeated every French word after them. "Flaçon," said Charlotte, showing him the eau-de-Cologne bottle. "Chaise," cried Louise, holding up a chair. "Livre," said Nina, pointing to a book. "Mouchoir," said Caroline, holding up an embroidered handkerchief. "Montre," followed up Manchette, pointing to her mistress's watch.

As he and his companions dashed along through the waggons and by the cannons the peasants who were preparing to lay down for the night, and who knew nothing of the plans of their Generals, rose up one after another wondering. "There goes 'le Mouchoir Rouge," said one, alluding to Henri's costume; for when in action he always wore a red handkerchief round his waist, and another round his neck.

"MERCIE thank you," said the Lady Flabella, as the lively but devoted Cherizette plentifully besprinkled with the fragrant compound the Lady Flabella's MOUCHOIR of finest cambric, edged with richest lace, and emblazoned at the four corners with the Flabella crest, and gorgeous heraldic bearings of that noble family. "MERCIE that will do."

A few French romances, the last plays of Etherege, Dryden, and Shadwell, a volume of Cowley, and some amorous songs, lay on the table; and not far from them were a loomask, pulvil purse, a pair of scented gloves, a richly-laced mouchoir, a manteau girdle, palatine tags, and a golden bodkin for the hair.

"Yes; that is 'le Mouchoir Rouge," said another, "he is off for Saumur; the horsemen are already starting for Saumur." "Come, then; they shall not go alone," said another. "We will start for Saumur. We will not lie here while others are in the battle."

On a majority of the maps of the sixteenth century there were islands on Mouchoir, and on Silver Banks, where now are rocks "awash;" and the Dutch and the Severn Shoals, which lay to the east, have disappeared.