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When they had decided upon the track of the morrow's advance they sat down for a moment upon the crest of a hummock to breathe themselves, their elbows on their knees, looking off to the south over the desolation of broken ice. With his one good hand Ferriss drew a pipe and a handful of tea leaves wrapped in oiled paper from the breast of his deer-skin parkie.

And the King answered benignly and said: "Be thou nought troubled, Count, for if thou vanquishest the battle, I will give thee to wife Belisant my daughter." On the morrow's morn, Arderi and Amis entered armed into the field in the presence of the King and his folk.

Moodily, full of bitterness, she went about her tasks, biting her lips and wiping her fine eyes with the sleeve of her robe, when suddenly the door opened, and a servant, not one of their own, but a strange man who had been brought in to help at the morrow's feast, called out that a sailor wished to speak with her.

He made a trumpet of his hands and bellowed "Sold out" as he turned the corner. If he had only more copies! At least sixty could have been sold. Nevertheless, fifty cents for the pig bank a dime was to be reserved for the morrow's capital wasn't bad. Surely the other dollar and a half could be saved by the end of the week. Earning a thousand dollars was as easy as rolling off a log.

The boys brought in wood, and filled up the kettle and boiler with water; the girl monitor weighed out the oatmeal for to- morrow's breakfast and handed over to the cook girls, who in their turn carefully stirred it into the big iron pot on the stove.

You promised." Mr. Duthie looked quizzically at Gavin, and then at the sky. "The thaw may come at any moment," he said. "I think the frost is to hold," said Gavin. "It may hold over to-morrow," Mr. Duthie admitted; "but to- morrow's the Sabbath, and so a lost day." "A what?" exclaimed Gavin, horrified. "I only mean," Mr. Duthie answered, colouring, "that we can't curl on the Lord's day.

Lately he had made himself comfortable in this respect, and he sorrowed over the fine linen which he had worn but once or twice since it had been bought with the last instalment from Sir Thomas. Nevertheless in this way he did make up his mind for the morrow's campaign. And Aby also made up his mind. Something, at any rate, he had learned from Fanny O'Dwyer in return for his honeyed words.

Young, fair, and tender as it was, its wooings generally sent him in an opposite direction, with a sneer at his own folly, to stifle his fancies with a book, or to mark out the plan of the morrow's operations. More than a year had passed away and Philip Oswald was again in New-York, just as spring was gliding into the ardent embraces of summer.

It was a broiling evening in early June, very beautiful, but so hot that I dreaded the fatigue and all the adjuncts of the morrow's wedding, when I was to be a bridesmaid, and should see my poor little Dora again. I was alone, for Eustace was sleeping at Therford Vicarage, but I had not time for sentiment over the old home and old gardens.

Then there were the chambers, and the living-rooms below. She felt all the excited joy of youth; she was tasting anticipation at its best. "It'll take me a week," said she. "That will be grand." She could hardly wait even for the morrow's sun; and that night she slept like those of whom much is to be required, and who must wake in season.