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"Craive," said G.J. affectionately, "until you and Queen came along Molder and I really thought we were at a picture exhibition, and we still think so, don't we, Molder?" The Lieutenant nodded. "Now, as you're here, just let me show you one or two things." "Oh!" breathed the Major, "have pity. It's not any canvas woman that I want By Jove!"

Man's mastery of the process by which this startling and wonderful change is effected has come as one of the rewards of his long and patient study. The Fourdrinier machine, which preserves at least the name of the enterprising developers of the invention, takes up the work that was formerly done by the molder.

For Rops, though he had an undeniable partiality for subjects in which ugly and prurient women displayed themselves in nothing but the inessentials of costume, was a classic before whom it was necessary to bow the head in homage. G.J. was in this room in company with a young and handsome Staff officer, Lieutenant Molder, home on convalescent leave from Suvla Bay. Mr.

G.J. murmured to Molder: "You don't want to go and have tea with her, do you?" And Molder answered, with the somewhat fatuous, self-conscious grin that no amount of intelligence can keep out of the face of a good-looking fellow who knows that he has made an impression: "Well, I don't know " G.J. raised his eyebrows again, but with indulgence, and winked at Craive.

"Who knows? The Swami may be the molder of your destiny," said Madeline gaily, with youth's lightness in referring to the vague future. "He may; but I'd lay long odds against it." "I must be going." Miss Elton rose. "The crowd is thinning, and Mrs. Lenox looks impressively in my direction. We are going out together on the train. Their new country place is near us, you know.

There is none now to bear the sword or receive the cup. There is no more joy in the battle-field or in the hall of peace. So here shall the gold-adorned helmet molder, here the coat of mail rust and the wine-cup lie empty." Thus the sad prince mourned. Beside his treasure he sat weeping both day and night until death took him also, and of all his people there was none left.

Once in his possession, more than one of your people were to be handed over to the tender mercies of my holy confessor. I warned you of your danger, and happily you heeded the signs of the time; else you, too, would now molder beneath the walls of the Alamo. His prey escaped him, and with redoubled eagerness he sought to consummate my destruction.

She had been allowing her imagination to paint pictures before she stepped into the Executive Chamber; she had expected to find her father virtuously triumphant, serenely a successful molder of pacific plans. His scowl was so forbidding that she stopped short. "Father, it's wonderful perfectly wonderful, isn't it?" She tried to speak joyously, but she faltered. "I saw it all!

He set himself to examine all the exhibits by Rops, and when he had finished he turned to G.J. "Listen here, G.J. We're going to make a night of it. I've decided on that." "Sorry, dear heart," said G.J. "I'm engaged with Molder to-night. We shall have some private chamber-music at my rooms just for ourselves. You ought to come. Much better for your health." "What time will the din be over?"

"Oh, rather!" answered Molder, quite simply. And G.J., again to himself, said: "I am a simpleton." The Major's pleading, and the spectacle of the two officers with their precarious hold on life, humiliated G.J. as well as touched him.