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Cecilia met Beauchamp in the entrance- hall. 'You must not go, she said bluntly. 'I can't break an appointment, said he 'for the sake of my own pleasure, was implied. 'Will you not listen to me, Nevil, when I say you cannot go? A coachman's trumpet blew. 'I shall be late. That's Colonel Millington's team.

It had been destined to reflect the opulent image of Mrs. Alpheus Van Orley, but some secret reluctance of Stanwell's had stayed the execution of the task. He had painted two of Mrs. Millington's friends in the spring, had been much praised and liberally paid for his work, and then, declining several recent orders to be executed at Newport, had surprised his friends by remaining quietly in town.

Walker. "My dear Captain Walker! would you question my integrity? Who was it that made Mrs. Millington's fortune, the celebrated Mrs. Millington, who has now got a hundred thousand pounds? Who was it that brought out the finest tenor in Europe, Poppleton?

Vonce you got it they von't gif you dime to sleep. And dat's why I'm here to-day you've attracted Mrs. Millington's notice, and vonce you're hung in dat new ball-room dat's vere she vants you, in a big gold panel vonce you're dere, vy, you'll be like the Pianola no home gompleat without you. And I ain't going to charge you any commission on the first job!"

The frontispiece is a coarsely executed wood cut, divided into six compartments, and representing the six days of the creation. The Father is, in each compartment, pictured as an aged man engaged in his creative task. Christian Iconography, Millington's trans., vol. i. p. 59. The triangle, or delta, is the symbol of Deity for this reason.

Cecilia met Beauchamp in the entrance-hall. 'You must not go, she said bluntly. 'I can't break an appointment, said he 'for the sake of my own pleasure, was implied. 'Will you not listen to me, Nevil, when I say you cannot go? A coachman's trumpet blew. 'I shall be late. That's Colonel Millington's team.

Millington's portrait in time for the opening of her new ball-room; and it was perhaps in return for this favour that she consented to let the picture be exhibited at a big Portrait Show which was held in April for the benefit of a fashionable charity. In Mrs.

Millington's ball-room the picture had been seen and approved only by the distinguished few who had access to that social sanctuary; but on the walls of the exhibition it became a centre of comment and discussion. One of the immediate results of this publicity was a visit from Shepson, with two or three orders in his pocket, as he put it.

But her grief over Stanwell's apostasy could not efface the fact that he had offered her brother the means of escape from town, and Stanwell himself was consoled by the reflection that but for Mrs. Millington's portrait he could not have performed even this trifling service for his friends.

Stanwell, called to account by his monitor, reminded the latter that he himself had been selected by Mungold to do the Cupids for Mrs. Millington's ball-room, and that the friendly artist's praise could, therefore, not be taken as positive evidence of incapacity. "Ah, but I didn't do them I kicked him out!"