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Did she think that puling milksop had as much as a shadow of the daring, the devilry, the carelessness of consequences which lay within Robert Russ Mellin? "Consequences?" What were they? There were no such things! She would not look at him well, he would make her! Thenceforward he raised every bet by another to the extent of the limit agreed upon. Mr. Cooley was thoroughly happy.

Other passengers were referred to who have not been mentioned, and in each case the colonel was able to tell precisely where their money was kept. "How about that milksop that wouldn't drink with us?" inquired the landlord, after a while. "Melville? I couldn't find out where he keeps his cash. Probably he keeps it in his pocket. He doesn't look like a cautious man." "Who's the boy?"

There is plenty of time to get here, and he knows her mother is gone, for I added that to the dispatch I sent, so as to insure his coming. And where is Neil, the milksop? He, at least, might come. I have no patience with the whole tribe. But we will do what we can for the poor little forsaken girl." "Yes," Grey answered him. "We will do what we can."

His Excellency, too, is a man of warlike turn, a follower of the sports of the field. I am a milksop, as I have had the honour to say." "You never showed it yet. You beat that great Maryland man was twice your size," breaks out Harry. "Under compulsion, Harry. 'Tis tuptu, my lad, or else 'tis tuptomai, as thy breech well knew when we followed school.

He became lively and wanted to say something pleasant to his employer, who the good fellow! though he had done nothing for him yet, was entertaining him so agreeably. But the words which flowed in perfect waves to his throat, for some reason would not come from his tongue. Chelkash looked at him and smiled sarcastically, saying: "You're screwed! Ugh milksop! with five glasses! how will you work?"

Our young fellow's tastes were speedily made visible to his friends in England. None of them were partial to the Puritan discipline; nor did they like Harry the worse for not being the least of a milksop. Manners, you see, were looser a hundred years ago; tongues were vastly more free-and-easy; names were named, and things were done, which we should screech now to hear mentioned.

But whether Will grew tired of his companion, or of the dangerous trade which he was engaged in, certain it is that he left it off, and got again out of England on ship-board. Oakey then got acquainted with Hawes, Milksop, Lincoln, Reading, Wilkinson, and half a dozen others, with whom one way or other he was continually concerned while they reigned in their villainies.

"I think," he said to Maud that evening, "I'll just ask Moore why he was afraid of the wet fields. Perhaps he's delicate, or perhaps he'd promised not to go." "Grandfather's hero wouldn't have called him a milksop," said Maud thoughtfully. "No," answered Bob, "and I wish I hadn't; but then, you know, I hadn't heard about Grandfather's hero."

When his companions damned him for a milksop, he was loftily contemptuous, conscious that it was not in intelligence alone that he was their superior.

Sometimes, and with an exquisite humility, he took no gun, but went out with a peaceful bamboo cane; Rawdon, his big brother, and the keepers blazing away at his side. Pitt's money and acres had a great effect upon his brother. The penniless Colonel became quite obsequious and respectful to the head of his house, and despised the milksop Pitt no longer.