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Many of the people have thin lips and Semitic noses and most are well made. As usual, if one meets a husband and wife, the former strolls ahead with a spear or stick, while the latter follows carrying a baby riding on one of her hips, tied on by her wrap of cloth, and with a heavy load of wood or food-stuff on her head. We cross the river in the evening and dine with Captain Meilleur at Mobaie.

This is au meilleur Lenormant. His was a full-blooded yet discriminating zest of knowledge. One wonders what more was fermenting in that restlessly curious brain, when a miserable accident ended his short life, after 120 days of suffering. So Italy proved fatal to him, as Greece to his father.

Puissions nous nous revoir dans un monde meilleur! "Charles Edouard" Thus we see that the phenomena of Climax, Antithesis, and Anticlimax, alike result from this general principle. Improbable as these momentary variations in susceptibility may seem, we cannot doubt their occurrence when we contemplate the analogous variations in the susceptibility of the senses.

She returns to the subject afterwards too frequently, and enters too minutely into detail of what she discovered in him, not to show on her part a truthfulness stronger than flattery. She never speaks of the King otherwise than as l'homme du monde le plus aimable, as the meilleur ami, and le plus honnête homme du monde.

Scott was descended from the old cow-stealers of Buccleuch was he? Scott in his genteel Life of Bonaparte, says that "when Murat was in Egypt, the similarity between the name of the celebrated Mameluke Mourad and that of Bonaparte's Meilleur Sabreur was remarked, and became the subject of jest amongst the comrades of the gallant Frenchman."

"Mais oui; vons avez ete mon meilleur ami." "And what, Frances, are you to me?" "Votre devouee eleve, qui vous aime de tout son coeur." "Will my pupil consent to pass her life with me? Speak English now, Frances." Some moments were taken for reflection; the answer, pronounced slowly, ran thus:

"Je vous souhaite un meilleur sort, camarade." I bowed, and muttering something in return, was about to make some inquiry concerning him, when the loud call of the trumpet rang through the valley, and apprised me that, in my interest for the prisoners, I had forgotten all else, and was probably incurring censure for my absence.

Captain Auita sends a few State capitas with us and Captain Meilleur lends us some French soldiers belonging to the 1st Senegalese Tirailleurs, a splendid set of fellows, very smart in their khaki uniforms.

"Quand on perd, par triste occurrence, Son esperance Et sa gaité, Le remède au mélancolique C'est la musique Et la beauté. Plus oblige et peut davantage Un beau visage Qu'un homme armé, Et rien n'est meilleur que d'entendre Air doux et tendre Jadis aimé!" It haunted him after he had gone to rest, and for once he did not mind wakefulness. A week passed.

But he was chiefly a portrait painter, his principal works being the fine full-length of Cardinal Richelieu, and another of his daughter as a nun of Port Royal, both of which are in the Louvre. As a portrait this is exceedingly interesting, the more so from having an inscription over one of the heads, "de ces deux profiles cecy est le meilleur." The full length of the Cardinal presented by Mr.