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"Leva'mi allor, mostrandomi fornito Meglio di lena ch'io non mi sentia; E dissi: 'Va, ch'io son forte edardito." Oh! God, what have I done to Thee? Why dost Thou overwhelm me? Since I was a little child Thou hast appointed misery and conflict to be my lot. I have struggled without complaint. I have loved my misery.

The senate and the commons were the two bases on which it stood, and the two champions of either faction each destroyed the foundations of the other side; so the fabric, of consequence, must fall betwixt them, and tyranny must be built upon their ruins. "Stavo ben," was written on his monument, "ma, per star meglio, sto qui."

Let me therefore beg you, Sir, to consider me as your Patient, and to give me more certain Rules to walk by than those I have already observed, and you will very much oblige Your Humble Servant. This Letter puts me in mind of an Italian Epitaph written on the Monument of a Valetudinarian; 'Stavo ben, ma per star Meglio, sto qui': Which it is impossible to translate.

He stripped off his clothes, put on his bathing drawers, took up the net, and, carefully directed by the admiring though protesting Gaspare, he waded into the sea. For a moment he shuddered as the calm water rose round him. Then, English fashion, he dipped under, with a splash that brought a roar of laughter to him from the shore. "Meglio così!" he cried, coming up again in the moonlight.

Moved by the remembrance of his friend, and by the sad beauty of his own poetry, his eyes were filled with tears, and when he had done reciting the stanzas he said, in a tone of touching simplicity,'Ditemi il vero, si puo air meglio'? I answered that he alone had the right to believe it impossible.

You will soon be better of it." "Non sarò meglio!" answered Luigi. "I shall never be better." He lifted his head and looked at her where she stood in the light, black, but comely, transfixing her on the burning glances of his bold eyes. "In your need," said he, "may you find just such friend as I have found!" The words were of his native language, but the malediction was universal.

"He'll do well enough in the world, you will find," answered the fisherman, carelessly. "Whenever he casts my nets, they never come up empty. 'It is better to be lucky than wise." * * E meglio esser fortunato che savio.

"I will do all that if I may come," said Nino readily, though he would rather not sing at all, at most times, than sing Bordogni, De Pretis tells me. "Meglio cosi, so much the better. Good-night, Sor Conte. Good-night, Nino." And so he turned down the Via Paola, and Nino and I went our way. I stopped to buy a cigar at the little tobacco shop just opposite the Tordinona Theatre.

How happy might all parties have been what suffering, what danger, what years of miserable anxiety might have been spared to all who were interested had the guardians and executors of my father's will thought fit to "let well alone"! But, "per star meglio" they chose to remove my brother from this gentle recluse to an active, bustling man of the world, the very anti-pole in character.

May it perhaps be that by saying "We must not talk about it," they succeed in not thinking about it? Our will is weakened? And what then? We lose the capacity for human action? And what then? It is very convenient to tell a man whom a fatal disease condemns to an early death, and who knows it, not to think about it. Meglio oprando obliar, senzá indagarlo, Questo enorme mister del universo!