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However, for nine days the wound goes on well, and Don Carlos, having had a wholesome fright, is, according to Doctor Olivarez, the medico de camara, a very good lad, and lives on chicken broth and dried plums. But on the tenth day comes on numbness of the left side, acute pains in the head, and then gradually shivering, high fever, erysipelas.

This morning, two men belonging to a village in this neighborhood, were severely beaten, and their wives or sisters violated by some soldiers belonging to the boats. This afternoon, a soldier belonging to our boat, accompanied by one of the Greeks already mentioned, and the Frank cook of the Proto Medico went to the same village, without my knowledge, to participate in this licentious amusement.

"Ever read Harvey's 'Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Sanguinis, Captain? the volume in which William Harvey first gave to the world at large his discovery regarding the circulation of the blood." "Good heavens, no! What would I be doing reading matters of that kind? I'm not a medico, Mr. Cleek I'm a soldier." "I know.

A few slices of the oregano cactus applied to my wounds, placed them in a condition to heal with a rapidity almost miraculous; for such is the curative power of this singular plant. My Mexican medico was yet more generous, and furnished me with a handsome Navajo blanket, which served as a complete covering for my shoulders.

I therefore gladly retired to my cabin and, having swallowed a composing draught which Burgess mixed for me, slept until the following morning, when I felt so much better that the worthy medico rather reluctantly consented to my rising in time to sit down with the rest to tiffin.

I have been meditating much on the story of Palarea's 'box of papers; which does not appear to be in my possession, and I have a strong impression that I gave it to young Florez Calderon. I will write to say so to Madam Torrijos speedily." Palarea, Dr. Palarea, I understand, was "an old guerilla leader whom they called El Medico."

I could think of no doctor in the immediate neighborhood, but ran up the street away from the Strand, as being the more likely direction for the doctor, although less so for the policeman. It took me a good five minutes to find the medico, after being led astray by a red lamp at a private hotel, and another five to get back, with a policeman. Foggatt was dead, without a doubt.

With some curiosity as to what could have sent a brother medico to us at such an hour, I followed Holmes into our sanctum. A pale, taper-faced man with sandy whiskers rose up from a chair by the fire as we entered. His age may not have been more than three or four and thirty, but his haggard expression and unhealthy hue told of a life which has sapped his strength and robbed him of his youth.

He strolled to the common, and there, wading through gorse, he found the doctor who had attended her from the time of their arrival. 'Well, Mr. Armstrong, said the medico cheerfully, 'how's the patient? 'Better, I think, said Paul. 'But, doctor, tell me what made you take so gloomy a view a week ago? Don't you think she'll mend? 'Mend, my dear sir? said the doctor. 'Of course she'll mend.

The stern medico, who had been very much interested in Don Ferdinando's story, or he would never have permitted so much talking, then bundled us all incontinently out of the sick bay, Captain Farmer included.