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Several moments passed and then Peavey Jo gave a deep respiration. "There!" said McGinnis triumphantly. "I told ye he'd live to be hanged." He looked around for the appreciation of the spectators. "But it was a bird of a punch I handed him," he grinned. Temporary railroad built through the forest to the sawmill.

The little man came into the room, took of his heavy silk-hat and looked up at O'Connell with a quizzing look in his laughing eyes. "McGinnis!" was all the astonished agitator could say. "That's who it is! 'Talkative McGinnis, come all the way from ould Ireland to take ye by the hand."

"Certainly I went. What would be the use of staying around there? But before I left I got a kind of an answer. He said he had shipped in these telephone poles from another part of the State." "Sure, that was a fairy tale," said McGinnis. "Of course it was.

McGinnis, who had meantime arrived, mad with rage and demanding blood, and proceeded to clear up the foundry yard, and rescue the strike-breakers who had taken refuge within the burning building and in holes and corners about the premises.

It's only fair your dad should break even for some of the whiskey he give the Lone Star. They didn't have a drop when I got in. Now, that's another reason why we ought to have a railroad at Heart's Desire. It might prevent a awful stringency, sometime. There's Dick McGinnis, why, he nearly " "But it's not coming. It will not be built. They wouldn't let us in. We couldn't get the right of way."

"'Tis a black sorrow to me," he said, "that I didn't let Ben welt him wid the ax the other day. Somebody else will have to do it now." "You mean," said the Supervisor, flaming, "that those trees were deliberately brought here to infect the forest, trees full of beetles?" "Sure, 'tis as plain as the nose on your face," said McGinnis. "An' it's dubs we were not to see it ourselves." "And it was ?"

In a half an hour or so Wilbur dropped back to the Supervisor. "I think, sir," he said, "that I can do that without any trouble. But I can't do it as fast as McGinnis, sir, for he can tell the size of a tree just by looking at it. I shall have to use the calipers for a day or two." Merritt looked at him. "For a day or two?" he said. "McGinnis has been doing it for thirty years.

Then, turning to the Ranger, he commenced talking with him about the work in hand, and for the moment Wilbur was left aside. The lumberman who had been working on the other side of the Supervisor, however, sauntered up and introduced himself as "McGinnis, me boy, Red McGinnis, they call me, because of the natural beauty of me hair." "I'm very glad, Mr.

"Don't you belave it," said McGinnis; "he was born to be hanged, an' hanged he'll be." But the big lumberman gave no sign of life. "I have seen a man killed by that uppercut, though," said the Irishman a little more dubiously, as the minutes passed by and no sign of consciousness was apparent, "but I don't believe I've got the strength to do it."

It was Solly who had met Blinky Bill Mullins, the prominent sand-bagger, as he emerged from his twenty years' retirement at Dartmoor, and booked him solid for a thirty-six months' lecturing tour on the McGinnis circuit.