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She was in his lap, now, her chubby arms clasped around his neck and her soft cheek laid close beside his rough and ruddy one. "And when ye get back, Patsy darlin'," he whispered, tenderly stroking her hair, "the joy of the meeting will make up for all that we've suffered. It's the way of life, mavourneen.

"It was noble and like thee, mavourneen deelish," she said, "to give my dying eyes this last best blessing of life beholding thee once more. For this boon, I bestow upon thee the proudest legacy I have to leave this ring of most precious stones the gift of my sister, Elizabeth of England.

Biddy could be insistent too; her eyes burned like live coals. "I promise, yes." Dinah held out an impulsive hand. "You can trust me," she said. Biddy's fingers closed claw-like upon it. "Whist now, Miss Dinah!" she said. "If Sir Eustace was to hear me, sure, he'd wring the neck on me like as if I was an old fowl. But ye've asked me what's happened, mavourneen, and sure, I'll tell ye.

It quiets the bad temper into perfect peace; and I love, as I never dreamed of doing before, all my friends and enemies too. It's little I know yet, Phelim, but all the gould in the world, and all the world's hate too, shall not hinder me from learning more o' God's wonderful way to save sinners. But hurry home now, Phelim, mavourneen; the raw night air is no good for ye."

Then she dropped it, burned side up, into the kettle once more, clapped on the cover, and set it where it would cook more slowly. When that was done, she looked at Eileen's fingers. "It's not so bad at all, mavourneen, praise be to God," she said. "Sure, I thought I had you killed entirely, the way you screamed!" "Eileen is always burning herself," said Larry.

The mermaid kissed her again and again; as the tears rushed to her eyes, she said: "Oh, Nora, mavourneen, your breath is as sweet as the wild rose that blooms in the green fields of Erin, and happy are you, my children, who have come so lately from the pleasant land. Oh, Connla! Connla! I get the scent of the dew of the Irish grasses and of the purple heather from your feet.

Sometimes I think he sees in my help the one atonement he can make: he fumes and reproaches so when Brian is nervous or lonely. He even dreams of the boulder." "And the year of study, mavourneen?" Joan's face clouded. "Don needs me," she said. "He would be frantic here alone. I cannot desert him." "Nor I," said Kenny. "But the year of waiting ends at Samhain." "Yes," said Joan, coloring.

John Carvel was soon lost in admiration of Lord Mavourneen, while Mrs. Carvel talked much with the English missionary bishop of Western Kamtchatka, who happened to be spending a few days at the embassy.

"We were in the drawing-room after breakfast, when the Irishman passed the window outside, whistling 'Kathleen Mavourneen. We were sitting at Kate's feet, and she got up, and whispering, 'He's got something to show you, but he wouldn't let me tell, went out into the garden, we following her. "There we found the Irishman, with a long pole, which he was waving triumphantly in the air.

Polly O'Neill had gone straight to her sister and putting both hands on her shoulders had pushed her steadily back inch by inch until she forced her into a large armchair. "Mollie Mavourneen, you know I hate washing dishes like an owl does the day light, but I am not going to let you do my work and to-night you know the agreeable task of cleaning up belongs to me.