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"This, my lords, ladies, and gentlemen," says the minx, "is that marvellous Rotunda commonly known as the 'umbrella, where the music plays on wet nights, and where we have our masquerades and ridottos. Their Royal Highnesses are very commonly seen here on such occasions. As you see, it is decorated with mirrors and scenes and busts, and with gilded festoons.

There is not much to write, but he must learn to drink; and the loose companion takes his lessons kindly. Presently begins a mad life; day after day wild and wasteful, balls, masquerades, water-parties, open house kept for half the town. So by the end of half a year, when the young bibliologist comes to beg his salary, there is a lack of cash.

The scenes of those five or six years are like a series of dissolving views, or the changing combinations of a kaleidoscope; Condé and Turenne always on opposite sides for each changed his party as often as the other; battles prepared for by masquerades and theatricals, and celebrated on both sides with epigrams and songs; the wildest excesses of debauchery and vice practised by both sexes and all ranks in the State; archbishops fighting like gladiators, and intriguing like the vulgarest conspirators; princes imprisoned with a jest, and executions attended with cheers and laughter; the highest in the land caballing, cheating, and lying, but keeping a firm grasp of power: no country was ever so split into faction, or so denuded of great men.

To this may be ascribed her ungovernable passion for great societies, balls, masquerades, and all kinds of public and private amusements, as well as her subsequent attachment to the Duchesse de Polignac, who so much encouraged them for the pastime of her friend and sovereign.

Nelson had worked for an Englishman at Elizabethville and acquired his cognomen. I have not the slightest doubt that he now masquerades under mine. Be that as it may, Nelson was a model servant and he remained with me until that September day when I boarded the Belgium-bound boat at Matadi. Nelson reminded me more of the Georgia Negro than any other one that I saw in the Congo.

For a few days, accordingly, after the arrival of the new Governor-General all seemed to be going smoothly. The grand prior and Egmont became exceedingly intimate, passing their time together in banquets, masquerades, and play, as joyously as if the merry days which had succeeded the treaty of Cateau Cambreais were returned.

I have, of course, met the lady, and found her pleasant and agreeable as a companion. Deuced pretty too; hey, Benson? Why do you say she masquerades as McDonald's niece?" "Because her maiden name was Carson and the Major's sister married a man named Counts." "There might have been another marriage. Surely McDonald must know." "Miss Molly says not, Colonel.

A certain lack of tone had crept into the amusements of the haut monde, due, doubtless, to the lack of an acknowledged leader. The King was not yet mad, but he was always bucolic, and socially out of the question. So at the coming of his son Society broke into a gallop. Balls and masquerades were given in his honour night after night.

So we had very varied amusements suited to the different seasons tableaux, charades, dancing, masquerades, and rural fetes out-of-doors, and in winter, skating, coasting, etc." In her "Years of Experience," Mrs.

Bonaparte's laws Suppression of the festival of the 21st of January Officials visits The Temple Louis XVI. and Sir Sidney Smith Peculation during the Directory Loan raised Modest budget The Consul and the Member of the Institute The figure of the Republic Duroc's missions The King of Prussia The Emperor Alesander General Latour-Foisac Arbitrary decree Company of players for Egypt Singular ideas respecting literary property The preparatory Consulate The journals Sabres and muskets of honour The First Consul and his Comrade The bust of Brutus Statues in the gallery of the Tuileries Sections of the Council of State Costumes of public functionaries Masquerades The opera- balls Recall of the exiles.