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Instantly it all faded away and the reflection of his own excited face looked up at him from the caldron. "I told you not to speak," said La Masque, quietly, "but you must look on still another scene." Again she threw a portion of the contents of the casket into the caldron, and "spake aloud the words of power."

Somebody had discovered at breakfast the day before that to-morrow would be May-day, and somebody else had suggested that as it was also Saturday, there ought to be some sort of celebration. A May queen was decreed "too old"; a May masque too much trouble. Then somebody said, "Let's all just dress up as little girls and roll hoops," and the idea met with instant favor.

The day is spent in seeing the city and visiting the hot sulphur baths and in the evening we attend a big bal masque in a suburban garden. A regimental band of fifty pieces plays "Around the World," by order of Prince Nicholas F, who exerts himself to make things pleasant for us in the garden.

"And I verily believe we will not find La Masque at home. She wanders through the streets at all hours, but particularly affects the night." "We shall try, however. Come along!" The house of the sorceress was but a short distance from that of Sir Norman's plague-stricken lady-love's; and shod with a sort of seven-league boots, they soon reached it. Like the other, it was all dark and deserted.

The bridegroom could not have loved her much, I fancy, or not even the pestilence could have scared him away." "But, Ormiston, what an extraordinary thing it is that it should be precisely the same face that the fortune-teller showed me. There she was alive, and here she is dead; so I've lost all faith in La Masque for ever." Ormiston looked doubtful.

I would not have you think of me lightly. But to-night something possessed me. I had heard of the masque, and I remembered the balls of the Embassy where I danced when I was so young and so I slipped away there was a garden key that I had stolen, long ago, and kept for another thing.... I did not mean to dance. Only to look on at the world again." "Oh, my good Lord," said Jack Ryder.

Harold was frankly afraid: unabashed, he buried himself in the cook's ample bosom. Edward feigned a manly superiority to illusion, and greeted these awful apparitions familiarly, as Dick and Harry and Joe. As for me, I was too big to run, too rapt to resist the magic and surprise. Whence came these outlanders, breaking in on us with song and ordered masque and a terrible clashing of wooden swords?

Virtue in the person of the Lady, guarded by her brothers, watched over by the attendant Spirit, aided at need by the nymph Sabrina, triumphant over the blandishments and temptations of fancy and of sense in the persons of Comus and his followers; that is the subject of the masque.

Beneath his windows the masque and interlude were born. The mystery, harlequinade and divertissement found shelter in a pot-house.

She had always liked le grand monde she liked it better now than ever, when she found Ormond in every crowded assembly, every place of public amusement a continual round of breakfasts, dinners, balls court balls bal masque bal de l'opera plays grand entertainments petits soupers fetes at Versailles pleasure in every possible form and variety of luxury and extravagance succeeded day after day, and night after night and Ormond, le bel Irlandois, once in fashion, was every where, and every where admired; flattered by the women, who wished to draw him in to be their partners at play still more flattered by those who wished to engage him as a lover most of all flattered by Dora. he felt his danger.