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The young lady was terrified; and, deeming it expedient to soothe him, took one of his hands in hers, placed the other hand on his shoulder, looked up in his face with a winning seriousness, and said, in the tenderest possible tone, 'What would you have, Scythrop? Scythrop was in heaven again. 'What would I have? What but you, Marionetta?

'To be sure there are, sir; and do you suppose I do not see through your designs, you ungenerous monster? 'My designs? Marionetta! 'Yes, your designs, Scythrop. You have come here to cast me off, and artfully contrive that it should appear to be my doing, and not yours, thinking to quiet your tender conscience with this pitiful stratagem.

It seems to be the case with us at present, or we should not have interrupted Miss O'Carroll's music with this exceedingly dry conversation. I should be most happy if Miss O'Carroll would remind us that there are yet both music and sunshine In the voice and the smile of beauty. All were silent, and Marionetta sung: Why are thy looks so blank, grey friar? Why are thy looks so blue?

He sate with 'his eye in a fine frenzy rolling, and turned his inspired gaze on Marionetta as if she had been the ghastly ladie of a magical vision; then placed his hand before his eyes, with an appearance of manifest pain shook his head withdrew his hand rubbed his eyes, like a waking man and said, in a tone of ruefulness most jeremitaylorically pathetic, 'To what am I to attribute this very unexpected pleasure, my dear Miss O'Carroll?

'Are you? said she; 'then come across the room, and I will sing you the finale of Don Giovanni. 'Let me alone, said Scythrop. Marionetta looked at him with a deprecating smile, and said, 'You unjust, cross creature, you. 'Let me alone, said Scythrop, but much less emphatically than at first, and by no means wishing to be taken at his word.

It resulted, from this system of conduct, that all that passed between Scythrop and Marionetta, consisted in making and unmaking love.

Mr Hilary made a hue and cry in the abbey, and summoned his wife and Marionetta to Scythrop's apartment. The ladies, not knowing what was the matter, hastened in great consternation. Mr Toobad saw them sweeping along the corridor, and judging from their manner that the devil had manifested his wrath in some new shape, followed from pure curiosity.

While he was acting this reverie, his study door opened, and the real Marionetta appeared. "For heaven's sake, Scythrop," said she, "what is the matter?" "For heaven's sake, indeed!" said Scythrop, "for your sake, Marionetta, and you are my heaven! Distraction is the matter. I adore you, and your cruelty drives me mad!"

"That is candid, at least. It is very provoking, very disappointing. I could not have supposed that you could have been infatuated with such a dancing, laughing, singing, careless, merry hearted thing as Marionetta and with no fortune. Besides, sir, I have made a choice for you. Such a lovely, serious creature, in a fine state of high dissatisfaction with the world!

His only resource, therefore, was to try to drown Mr Glowry's voice; and, having no other subject, he continued his description of the ear, raising his voice continually as Mr Glowry raised his. 'When your cousin Marionetta, said Mr Glowry, 'whom you profess to love whom you profess to love, sir 'The internal canal of the ear, said Scythrop, 'is partly bony and partly cartilaginous.