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Next morning a native came in to Stiffy and Mahooley's with the information that two York boats were coming up the lake in company. One was enough to make a gala day. Later came word that they had landed at Grier's Point. This was two miles east. Owing to low water in the lake, laden boats could not come closer in. The first was the police boat, with supplies for the post and for the Indian agent.

Musq'oosis, with the extraordinary impassivity of the red race, continued to stare before him. Mahooley, with an oath, seized him by the collar and jerked him to his feet. This was too much for Bela. Her hard air broke up. Jumping to her feet, she commenced to belabour Mahooley's back with her fists. "Let him go! Let him go!" she commanded.

Now they always hangin' round Stiffy and Mahooley's." This argument was not without weight; nevertheless, Beattie continued to shake his head. "Can't do it unless you get a chaperon." "Chaperon?" repeated Bela, puzzled. "Get a respectable woman to come live with you, and I'll say all right." Bela nodded and marched out of the store without wasting any further words.

Mahooley's eyes gleamed. "Well, out with it!" "I want you not tell nobody I buy your team. Nobody but Stiffy. I want hire white man to drive, see? Maybe he not lak work for red man. So you mak' out he workin' for you, see?" "All right," agreed Mahooley. "That's easy. But who can you get?" "Sam." Mahooley indignantly exploded.

When she was not busy serving, Bela sat on a box at Mahooley's left and suffered his proprietary airs. Afterward they sat in front of the fire, whispering and laughing together, careless of what anybody might think of it. This was not particularly entertaining to the rest of the crowd, and the party broke up early. "Bela is changed," they said to each other.

As soon as they finished eating, they wandered outside to smoke and make common cause against the interloper. For their usual card-game they adjourned to Stiffy and Mahooley's. Only Joe and Sam were left, one sitting on each side of the fire with that look in his eyes that girls know of determination not to be the first to leave. Bela came and sat down between them with sewing.

What was the use of struggling back to the outside world? He had already tried that. He could not face the thought of enduring another such night, either. Better the surrounding wilderness or the lake. He heard the front door flung open and Mahooley's heavy step in the mess-room. He jumped up and put his back against the wall. His eyes instinctively sought for his sharpest knife.

Bela would not ask, and Musq'oosis would not tell without being asked. Bela was the one to give in. "What you do up at settlement?" she asked carelessly. "I fix everyt'ing good," replied Musq'oosis. "Buy team for Sam wit' your money. Mahooley's black team." "It's too good for Sam," said Bela scornfully. The old man glanced at her with sly amusement, and shrugged.

Joe's perceptions were sharpened by hate. He saw Mahooley's hesitation, and began speculating on what reason the trader could have for not wanting to discharge Sam. He scented a mystery. Casting back in his mind, he began to fit a number of little things together.

By and by a breed came in with the news that a York boat was visible, approaching Grier's Point. This provided a welcome diversion for the company. A discussion arose as to whether it would be Stiffy and Mahooley's first boat of the season, or additional supplies for Graves. Finally they decided to ride down to the Point and see. "Come on, Joe," said one. Joe assumed an air of laziness.