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"Has nobody been to speak to you about M. Pons and his gimcracks?" asked La Cibot. "I received a letter from a lawyer," said Elie Magus, "a rascal that seems to me to be trying to work for himself; I don't like people of that sort, so I took no notice of his letter. Three days afterwards he came to see me, and left his card. I told my porter that I am never at home when he calls."

"One hundred thousand francs," said Magus, "and a quiet girl, full of golden tones, as you call 'em, like a Titian." "What class of people are they?" "Retired merchants; just now in love with art; have a country-house at Ville d'Avray, and ten or twelve thousand francs a year." "What business did they do?" "Bottles." "Now don't say that word; it makes me think of corks and sets my teeth on edge."

We have seen harsh natures mellowed, violent natures chastened, rough ones refined; but who has seen an essentially mean nature made large-hearted, self-forgetful, fertile of grandest faiths and greatest deeds? Who has beheld a Thersites transformed into an Achilles? Who a Shylock, Iago, or Regan changed into an Antonio, Othello, or Cordelia, or a Simon Magus into a Paul?

Speeding to the capital, with the head of the Magus in their hands, and exhibiting everywhere this proof at once of the death of the late king and of his imposture, they proceeded to authorize and aid in carrying out, a general massacre of the Magian priests, the abettors of the later usurpation.

Of convolute shells the littoral species gathered were all Indo-Pacific and inhabitants of mostly the coral-reef region, such as Cypraea arabica, annulus, isabella, errones and oryza, Conus magus, arenatus, achatinus, etc., Oliva cruentata, tremulina and ericinus, those of the last-named genus often living in sand. Bulla cylindrica occurred in sandy pools on the reef at Claremont Isles.

Let us, however, put aside for the moment the mendacities and forgeries which complicate the question of Lucifer, and let us approach Palladism from an altogether different side. I believe that I may speak with a certain accent of authority upon any question which connects with the French magus Éliphas Lévi.

I have thought of nothing but earning my bread all my days, and now I wish I had some little Remonencqs. Do leave that Cibot of yours." "Why, here comes your Jew," said the portress; "we can arrange the whole business." Elie Magus came every third day very early in the morning to know when he could buy his pictures. "Well, my dear lady," said he, "how are we getting on?"

A Magus, as he is called a priest of the old heathen religion is in fact well received at court, where, although doomed to be superseded by the Christian missionary, he yet seems to have been retained by the king, as a sort of protest that he had not put himself entirely under the control of the priests of the new doctrine.

Her account is as follows: "The Fraternity of the Rose-Cross comprises nine degrees of initiation 1. Zelator; 2. Theoricus; 3. Philosophus; 5. Adeptus Major; 7. Adeptus Exemptus; 8. Magister Templi; 9. Magus." Miss Vaughan's literary methods are not exactly captivating, and the enormous parenthesis is hers, but the capitals which close it are mine.

She begs protection for herself and an arrest for me; that I am known as Count Julien, at the hotel King of Portugal, at Berlin, and that haste is necessary." Both gentlemen glanced astonished and enraptured, first at the sealed epistle and then at the great Magus. "Open the letter and convince yourselves of the contents!" commanded Cagliostro.