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The tempest has blown over, the sky is serene, and the sea is calming down and looking as blue again as ever! Why is your mien still preoccupied? Yesterday, Madalen, you said: 'To-morrow rests with God. Here we are at yesterday's to-morrow. What evil has befallen us? Nothing, absolutely nothing." "You are right, good father, my forebodings have proved false. And yet, I do not feel at ease.

"My father and brother go out to face danger, and I remain here " "Do not stamp your feet that way, bad boy! You are the cause of all this evil with your impious wishes " "Calm yourself, Madalen and you, my pet, do not put on, if you please, the air of a wild colt that seeks to snap his reins; just obey your mother." "I hear steps they are drawing near Oh! grandfather!"

I thought of my father Jocelyn, of my mother Madalen both no doubt dead in the country that I ran away from more than forty years ago, and where my brother Kervan and my dear sweet sister Roselyk still live. At these thoughts tears came to my eyes despite myself. Oh, my sons! Ronan! Loysik! here I am near to you, but shall I manage your delivery! Hesus! Hesus! inspire me."

I told you so, father, it is an ill wind that blew this man into our house." "Do you think him in league with the Dus and Korrigans, Madalen?" "What I believe is, father, that a misfortune threatens this house. I wish this night were over, and it were to-morrow!"

Old Araim died long ago, never ceasing to sorrow over the loss of Karadeucq, his pet. Jocelyn and Madalen, Karadeucq's father and mother also are dead. His elder brother Kervan and his sweet sister Roselyk still live and inhabit the same homestead situated near the sacred stones of Karnak. Kervan is over sixty years of age; he married late; his son, now fifteen years of age, is called Yvon.

After the peddler left the house, before he disappeared at the turning of the road, and as he waved us a last adieu, I said to Madalen: "Well, now, you silly thing! You poor frightened mother did the angry gods punish my pet Karadeucq for having wished to see the Korrigans? Where is the misfortune that this stranger was to bring down upon our house?

"Well, let it be as you wish it is against my wish, however!" "A kiss, mother!" "No, bad boy, leave me alone!" "A kiss, good mother; I beg you do not deny me a caress " "Madalen, see those big tears in his eyes. Would you have the courage to refuse him an embrace?" "Kiss me, dear child I felt sorrier than you. Be gone, but come back early." "One more kiss, good mother good-bye good-bye!"

If it is the gods who wish to punish my son for his audacious wishes, their anger is swift Karadeucq, come near me." "What! Madalen there you are weeping and embracing the boy, as if really misfortune threatened him. Come, be more sensible!" "Do you not hear the dogs barking louder and louder? And there is Erer now running to the door. There is something wrong going on outside "

"Come, dear wife, your fears only show weakness." "Mothers are weak and timid, Jocelyn. We must not tempt God " Old Araim stops working for a moment at his net; his head drops on his chest. "What is the matter, folks? You seem to be in a brown study! Do you fear, like Madalen, that danger may threaten Karadeucq just because, on such a tempestuous night as this, he wishes to see a Korrigan?"

But you must promise me, my pet, that you will not go on the side of the spring where you may encounter the Korrigans." "I swear to you, grandfather!" "Come, Madalen, let my skilful archer depart for the chase he swears to you that he will not think of the fairies." "Is it really your wish that he go, father?" "I beg you; let him go; see how crossed he looks."