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Upon his arrival, he found Lycas and Tryphaena awaiting him, and they stated their case so diplomatically that they prevailed upon him to deliver us into their hands.

The next thing this burning harlot did was to discover my commerce with both husband and wife. As for his wantonness with me, she flung that aside, as by it she lost nothing, but she fell upon the secret gratifications of Doris and made them known to Lycas, who, his jealousy proving stronger than his lust, took steps to get revenge.

When I had thus bemoan'd the wretch, as one unknown, the sea cast him on land with his face, not much disfigur'd, toward Heaven; upon which I made up to it, and easily knew that the but now terrible and implacable Lycas was lying at my feet.

Through his brazen shield and golden coat of mail AEneas smote him with his sword. Next he slew Lycas, and then Cis'seus and Gyas, tall men and powerful, who, with clubs like the club of Hercules, had been striking down the Trojans.

Groaning and deeply disturbed, half awake, he struggled onward, always toward one goal, to find his Myrtilus again, when suddenly the sound of the knocker on the entrance door and the barking of Lycas, his Arabian greyhound, shook the house. Recalled to waking life, he started up and listened.

The lovely Tryphaena pleased my taste, and listened willingly to my vows, but hardly had I had time to enjoy her favors when Lycas, in a towering rage because his preserves had been secretly invaded, demanded that I indemnify him in her stead. She was an old flame of his, so he broached the subject of a mutual exchange of favors.

Lycurgus naturally barbarous and faithless, began to contrive which way to betray us, and sent Lycas to get some help, whilst he secured us in the village.

By this time Gito had been worn off his legs, and was gathering new strength, when Tryphoena came back to me, but disappointed of her expectations, her love turn'd to a downright fury; and, all on fire with following me to no purpose, got into my intrigue both with Lycas and his wife: She made no account of his gamesomeness with me, as well knowing it wou'd hinder no grist to her mill: But for Doris, she never left till she had found out our private amours, and gave a hint of it to Lycas; whose jealousie having got the upper hand of his love, ran all to revenge; but Doris, advertis'd by Tryphoena's woman, to divert the storm, forbore any such meetings.

Burning with lust, he pressed his suit, but Tryphaena possessed my heart, and I said Lycas nay.

When our unwonted absence was noted, Lycas sent out runners to comb the sea-shore, for he suspected that we had been to the wreck, but he was still unaware of the robbery, which was yet unknown because the stern of the wreck was lying away from the beach, and the master had not, as yet, gone back aboard.